Sat 26 Aug

Graeme Park

Presented by Sound­crash

About this event

The sto­ry of DJ Graeme Park real­ly mir­rors the sto­ry of the evo­lu­tion of dance music and club cul­ture itself. 

Graeme found him­self work­ing in a Not­ting­ham record shop called Selec­tadisc in the ear­ly 1980s, when the very first house records began to fil­ter through from Chica­go, Detroit and New York.

When the shop’s own­er opened a night­club, it was only nat­ur­al he should turn to Graeme to select the discs. Deter­mined to show­case this new style of music, his rep­u­ta­tion as a house pio­neer soon brought him to the atten­tion of The Haçien­da in Man­ches­ter, who asked him to cov­er for Mike Pick­er­ing while he went on hol­i­day in 1988. Sim­ply put, there was no-one else in the coun­try who could do the job. 

The Sum­mer of Love fol­lowed and Parky quick­ly became one of the biggest names on the emerg­ing dance scene. Aside from his nine year res­i­den­cy at The Haç, he was one of the first British DJs to play places like Aus­tralia, South Amer­i­ca, the USA, Asia and beyond as well as pro­duc­ing and remix­ing tracks for the dance­floor, includ­ing The Brand New Heav­ies, Inner City, Eric B & Rakim, New Order, Sophie Ellis-Bex­tor and others.


10:00 PM


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