Sat 28 Oct

DJ Yoda: Hal­loween Nightmare

Presented by Sound­crash

About this event

Think hip-hop. Think The Mup­pets. Think scratch­ing. Think 80s pop. You can only be think­ing about DJ Yoda. DJ Yoda (Dun­can Beiny) is from Lon­don, Eng­land, and is prob­a­bly the only guy out there play­ing the theme tune to Cheers” in hip-hop clubs. And you can find him in the club (like 50 Cent) most nights per week – Yoda has trav­elled as far as Japan, USA, Cana­da, Swe­den, Ire­land and Aus­tralia to DJ with the likes of De La Soul, Gang Starr, Goldie, Roni Size, Pete Tong and the Scratch Perverts. 

He won the DMC Scratch DJ cat­e­go­ry of the Diesel U Music Awards 2001, and was one of 6 nom­i­nees for best UK hip-hop DJ in UK Hip-Hop Awards. He has been vot­ed 6th best DJ in the World in Hip Hop Con­nec­tion’s 2002 Read­er’s Poll. 

As a key mem­ber of the Fat Lace crew, he has edit­ed The Mag­a­zine for Age­ing B‑boys, but he also writes the DJ page for the UK’s biggest hip-hop mag­a­zine — Hip Hop Con­nec­tion. Yoda is also hip-hop cor­re­spon­dent for trendy style mags Sleaze Nation and The Face, and DJ mag­a­zine IDJ

As well as being a res­i­dent at top Lon­don hip-hop clubs Spread Love, Step Up Front and The XFM All City Night, Yoda’s DJ duties have also includ­ed judg­ing the last three year’s DMCDJ World Finals. 

His debut mix CDHow To Cut And Paste” (Anti­dote Records) was released to crit­i­cal acclaim in Octo­ber 2001, with favourable press rang­ing from Q Mag­a­zine to Max­im, The Times to Music Week and Min­istry Mag­a­zine to Hip Hop Con­nec­tion. It was Com­pi­la­tion of the Month in Jock­ey Slut mag­a­zine. He has also record­ed mix­es for XFM and Radio 1.


10:00 PM


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