Sat 04 Dec

Bris­tol Takeover

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Join us on Sat­ur­day 4th Decem­ber for spe­cial take over from Bris­tol based DJ and pro­duc­er Christophe and fes­ti­val pro­mot­er and Future­boo­gie head hon­cho Dave Har­vey respon­si­ble for many a par­ty and fes­ti­val such as Love Inter­na­tion­al and Love Saves The Day.

Hav­ing just said good­night of 10 years of Future­boo­gie, a record label that has been a key part of the Bris­tol music scene and beyond, they are trav­el­ling to Mar­gate to absorb and add to some of the local scene that we all love down here.

They’ll be sup­port­ed by Jen­ny Jen & Nadia whose pas­sion for psy­che­del­ic funk, dis­co & soul has made them firm favourites at fes­ti­vals around the globe.


8:00 PM
Nadia and Jenn
11:00 PM
Dave Harvey & Christophe


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.