Sat 18 Jan

Alex­is Tay­lor (Hot Chip)

Presented by Faith in Strangers

About this event

Alex­is Tay­lor, the leg­endary front­man of UK indie-dance pio­neers Hot Chip, takes over Faith in Strangers for a spe­cial all-night-long DJ set on Sat­ur­day, 18th Jan­u­ary 2025.

Renowned for hits like Over & Over” and Ready for the Floor” and their crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed album Freakout/​Release” (2022), Alex­is Tay­lor brings his sig­na­ture eclec­tic ener­gy to the decks. From dis­co, boo­gie, elec­tro-pop, and house to reg­gae, dub tech­no, and soul, expect a soul­ful and dance­able jour­ney through his favourite records – always with a par­ty vibe.

Hav­ing DJed glob­al­ly at icon­ic venues from Tokyo to New York and col­lab­o­rat­ed with brands like Dior and Apple, Alex­is now brings his infec­tious sound to Margate’s coast. Don’t miss this chance to catch a true music icon in an inti­mate set­ting, spin­ning tunes that will keep you mov­ing all night long.

🎟 Lim­it­ed tick­ets avail­able – grab yours now!


8:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.