Sat 26 Feb

A’Home A’Fair Margate

Presented by A’Home A’Fair Margate

About this event

Mar­gates first design fair based around home & living’.

We curate the excep­tion­al designers/​artists liv­ing & prac­tis­ing in Margate’

Casa Curio

Found­ed by Styl­ist @issiegibbonsstyling with a view to bring colour, tex­ture and vibran­cy into the home. Casa Curio spe­cialis­es in hand made ceram­ics, bespoke dyed linens and Venet­ian Mar­ble Plas­ter­ing, she is inspired by nature, trav­el and the organ­ic world.

Sarah Daly

A Mar­gate based ceramist who works from her home stu­dio cre­at­ing mag­nif­i­cent pieces of func­tion­al stoneware. Inspired by the hor­i­zon­tal lines and sun­set skies; Sarah trans­forms these ideas into clay through a process of carv­ing or painting.

Stu­dio Orme

A mar­gate-based glass stu­dio run by artist Claire Orme. Claire uses her back­ground in fine art to devel­op unique, bespoke and excit­ing glass work that com­bines tra­di­tion­al tech­niques with contemporary

designs. Her cre­ative prac­tice is often col­lab­o­ra­tive, includ­ing a recent project with artist Lind­sey Men­dick to pro­duce cop­per foiled sculp­tures for an exhi­bi­tion at Han­nah Bar­ry Gallery in Lon­don. Claire is keen to con­tin­ue this approach and is eager to work with archi­tects, design­ers, artists and any­one with a cre­ative vision to bring their ideas to life!

Stu­dio HE — Stu­dio HE (S /HE for short)

A bou­tique design stu­dio based in Margate/​London work­ing with­in the fields of Architectural/​Interior Design and Installation/​Art. They work close­ly w/​clients act­ing akin to tai­lors or artists w/​a focus on mate­r­i­al, light & space to cre­ate bespoke solu­tions. Work­ing with col­lab­o­ra­tive part­ners, they aim to bring craft back into archi­tec­ture & design devel­op­ment, whilst retain­ing that intimate/​small stu­dio feel

North­down Rugs

The sis­ter com­pa­ny of North­down Car­pets) is a fam­i­ly busi­ness run by Katie and her sis­ter. They sup­ply new & bespoke made rugs along­side their pas­sion, which is the upcy­cling of vin­tage car­pets (to give a new lease of life) & the redesign­ing into rugs. Locat­ed in the heart of Mar­gates Old Town, their stu­dio is based in Bur­ley & Fields Stu­dio Store.


An eth­i­cal fra­grance brand root­ed in nat­ur­al per­fumery & aro­mather­a­py based in Mar­gate. They embrace ancient wis­dom, old world alche­my & new world veg­an sus­tain­able lux­u­ry. Lovorika was cre­at­ed by founder & nat­ur­al per­fumer Daphe Rowe who can be con­sid­ered an eth­i­cal fra­grance ambas­sador. With an MSc in polit­i­cal sci­ence, cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Aro­mather­a­py & years behind the study of the art of per­fumery, Daphne helps us under­stand the real con­tent of our fra­grances as well as their glob­al impact, help­ing us to become more informed consumers.

Bur­ley and Field

A small inde­pen­dent busi­ness owned by Mar­gate locals Craig & Richard. Their main focus is restyling vin­tage fur­ni­ture into state­ment pieces — this is done in their stu­dio work­shop below-decks at their Lom­bard Street store in Mar­gate Old Town. Sav­ing qual­i­ty char­ac­ter­ful fur­ni­ture from land­fill is obvi­ous­ly appeal­ing espe­cial­ly when restyling into design led pieces using zero or min­i­mal VOC prod­ucts. Bur­ley and Field also refur­bish mid-cen­tu­ry fur­ni­ture — bring­ing those beau­ti­ful old teak side­boards (etc) back to look­ing their best.

Clueit Webb

A bespoke Inte­ri­ors com­pa­ny based in Mar­gate, Kent. They believe homes should be some­where that we love and feel relaxed in; & that they should be a reflec­tion of our­selves and work for our lifestyles. Using their com­bined design expe­ri­ence, they will help you realise your dream home. Spe­cial­is­ing in inte­ri­or design, bespoke reuphol­stery, soft fur­nish­ings, exclu­sive tex­tile ranges and made to order/​vintage furniture.

Kim Thome

Finds a bal­ance between instal­la­tion & objects, work­ing to blend a mix­ture of graph­i­cal ele­ments & opti­cal play. Work­ing from his mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary stu­dio in Mar­gate, he spends his time between pri­vate com­mis­sions & devel­op­ing instal­la­tions, fur­ni­ture & prod­ucts for projects. He has worked along­side & exhib­it­ed w/​some pret­ty out­stand­ing brands i.e. Wall­pa­per, Sel­f­ridges, Swarovs­ki & the V&A to name a few!


Afam­i­ly run busi­ness with offices in Lon­don, Mar­gate & Man­ches­ter. They sup­ply engi­neered wood floor­ing for res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial projects around the UK (stan­dard planks, her­ring­bone and chevron pat­terned designs). Flo­rescos’ part­ner is with man­u­fac­tur­er HKS1835, who are based in Ger­many. They pro­duce a large vari­ety of oiled fin­ish­es, along with unfin­ished when required. Flo­resco have recent­ly launched two of their own colour ranges of floor­ing called the Flo­resco’ and Rain­bow’ col­lec­tions, with two more in the pipeline for 2022. They can also colour match, so have the abil­i­ty can cre­ate any colour / fin­ish that a client requires.

Mar­gate Design Colletive

Found­ed by Jes­si­ca du Preez (@pohmaluna) & Joan­na Moore (interiors/restoration&traditional crafts) for the pur­pos­es of cre­at­ing a hub of learn­ing for pro­fes­sion­als to come togeth­er, share expe­ri­ences and learn col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly in the form of excit­ing cours­es. Both Jes­si­ca & Joan­na have a pas­sion for design, fur­ni­ture and inte­ri­ors & are both qual­i­fied AMUSF’ uphol­sters w/​over 10 years joint expe­ri­ence. With con­nec­tions to com­mer­cial, set design & film indus­try, they aim to give the best insight in knowl­edge & know how into the won­der­ful craft of uphol­stery, design & inte­ri­ors. Between them both, they have col­lab­o­rat­ed and worked w/​brands such as GUC­CI, Poo­dle & Blonde, WAN­DA& Adi­das & w/​work fea­tured in Vogue, The Times.

Amy Exton

Grad­u­at­ed from a back­ground in fine arts (Cen­tral Saint Mar­tins) before cre­at­ing her suc­cess­ful career as a set design­er. A move to Mar­gate in 2016, set her path towards the direc­tion of inte­ri­or spaces; util­is­ing her dis­tinc­tive & sig­na­ture style with the bold use of graph­ics & colours. Her 1st ven­ture into this new path was the @margatelocationhouse (which she runs & man­ages along­side her design ser­vices). Not one too shy from tak­ing up new tal­ents, she has recent­ly been delv­ing into more tra­di­tion­al crafts in par­tic­u­lar pur­su­ing spe­cial­ism in mosaics for inte­ri­ors & archi­tec­ture. Infus­ing her unique sig­na­ture spin, she main­ly inter­prets her designs for ceram­ic floors & sig­nage. Amy has been com­mis­sioned for such clients as Dream­land, The George & Heart Mar­gate, & Mar­gate Suites (A bou­tique fan­ta­sy style set of hotel rooms).

Stu­dio Mond

A lifestyle store and design stu­dio based in Mar­gate. They cre­ate prod­ucts, inte­ri­ors, images and films that express their obses­sion with mate­r­i­al, process and touch. They make thought­ful­ly, explor­ing sub­tle con­trasts in tex­ture and mate­r­i­al striv­ing to bring an hon­est ground­ing aes­thet­ic to their work no mat­ter the medi­um. They work holis­ti­cal­ly as a hus­band and wife team (back­grounds in sound design, photography,textiles & inte­ri­or design), using their com­pli­men­ta­ry skillsets and shared vision to con­vey a slow beauty.

Stu­dio Wellesly

A Mar­gate based ceram­ics stu­dio for the imper­fect home. Ceram­i­cist and inte­ri­or styl­ist Karin is behind Stu­dio Welles­ley (pre­vi­ous­ly Crackden&Wonkypot) & believes in the word hemtrevligt’, (which express­es more of a feel­ing then a word in her native Swedish lan­guage). Rather than adorn­ing your home in a way that is on trend or fol­lows a strict colour scheme she believes in mak­ing it your own — a com­fort­able place with your mem­o­ries and a place for unique pieces that you love. Her ceram­ics are defined by this and as such tend to have organ­ic shapes, tac­tile sur­faces and a mixed tech­nique approach.

Beat­rice Larkin

A woven tex­tile design­er who works close­ly with a Jacquard mill in Lan­cashire to pro­duce meri­no and recy­cled cot­ton fab­rics for the inte­ri­ors mar­ket. Her fab­rics are recog­nis­able for their soft­ened hand drawn geo­met­ric pat­terns in a pared down colour palette. She’s sold to retail, inte­ri­or design­ers, archi­tects, hotels and gal­leries as well as work­ing on bespoke com­mis­sions and col­lab­o­ra­tions. Cus­tomers include Heal’s, Dayles­ford Organ­ic, Made, Stu­dio Ash­by, Con­ran and Part­ners, The Robin and Luci­enne Day Foun­da­tion and The Tate Modern.


An archi­tec­ture prac­tise run by Tim and Tam which is client focused, cel­e­brat­ing each project as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth, change and a unique­ness that can only be found in that col­lab­o­ra­tion. They are dri­ving their projects towards net zero car­bon emis­sions through con­struc­tion and use and have invest­ed in devel­op­ing their skills to offer pas­sive house and ener­gy solu­tions to dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduce fuel bills. They work hard to cre­ate an awe­some, pos­i­tive, col­lab­o­ra­tive client team through­out the whole process with an eye on joy, detail and sus­tain­able, cir­cu­lar materials.


11:00 AM
4:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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