Join Our Team

We’re look­ing for our music venue bar man­ag­er, if you are inter­est­ed in apply­ing please fill out the sub­mis­sion form.

Are you pas­sion­ate about host­ing art, cul­tur­al and hos­pi­tal­i­ty events and want to work in a small but high­ly effec­tive team?

We’re look­ing for our new bar man­ag­er, some­one who has plen­ty of expe­ri­ence that take the bar and the team on, ele­vate, inno­vate and celebrate!

No doubt you’ll be into what we are doing, music, arts, tech­nol­o­gy and be excit­ed about our future plans and being part of it. We have some of the best artists, DJ’s and selec­tors play­ing for us and so much more planned for the future.

For extra info about Faith In Strangers you can check here

Job Role
MK4 0381
MK4 0236
MK4 0354
MK4 0373
DSC09052 2
FIS Terrace
DSC09021 3
Jordon s shots 010 copy
West Side
Sunset Cocktails
Lavander Sours
Faith in Strangers press 003
Smoked Rosemary Espresso Martini
Stairway Of Faith
Margate Cocktail Bar

We have so many things we are look­ing to accom­plish and we want the team to be part of the jour­ney. We can explain when we talk.

An opti­mistic atti­tude and a pas­sion for the vision of our project is a must! If this sounds like some­thing you want to get your teeth into, then get in contact. 

Submission Form

Faith In Strangers is a 300 capac­i­ty com­bined arts venue with a focus on music but a strong inter­est in every­thing else. Cen­tered around our cus­­tom-built sound sys­tem​‘Posei­don’.

An open plan space with scenes across Mar­gate’s kalei­do­scop­ic skies and sea, sun­sets are a promi­nent fea­ture of the venue util­is­ing the far-reach­ing views of the horizon.