The per­fect wed­ding party

Welcome to the best kept secret in town: Margate’s seaview venue, bar & restaurant. reservations@​faithinstrangers.​co.​uk // 01843621337

Faith In Strangers is the per­fect spot to host your wed­ding cel­e­bra­tions. We want to help make your event a suc­cess, so please talk to us about your plans and we will be hap­py to help.


Faith In Strangers offers a unique set­ting with stun­ning sun­set views over the sea, pro­vid­ing an excep­tion­al back­drop for your wed­ding din­ner and par­ty. Our expan­sive win­dows and sea-view ter­race allow your guests to ful­ly expe­ri­ence the beau­ty of the Mar­gate coast­line and our venue deliv­ers an atmos­phere that is both dis­tinc­tive and mem­o­rable — a hid­den gem on the seaside.


Hir­ing Faith In Strangers for your wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion gains exclu­sive access to a venue renowned for its world-class cul­tur­al pro­gram­ming and artists. We pause our reg­u­lar events and restau­rant ser­vices, giv­ing you and your guests com­plete pri­va­cy to enjoy the full Faith In Strangers expe­ri­ence. Every aspect of the venue is ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing your event tru­ly extraordinary.

Japanese Shandy
IMG 1997 1
Smoke & Mirrors
Tommy's Margarita
MK4 0373
Lavender Sour
Jan 2023 028
MK4 0238
IMG 1981
MK4 0045

Ele­vate your event with an unpar­al­leled culi­nary expe­ri­ence at Faith In Strangers. We believe that excep­tion­al cui­sine and bev­er­ages are the heart of any mem­o­rable cel­e­bra­tion. Our com­mit­ment to gas­tro­nom­ic excel­lence ensures that your guests will be treat­ed to exquis­ite dish­es and inno­v­a­tive cock­tails that delight the senses.

From the artistry of our cel­e­brat­ed chef to the cre­ativ­i­ty of our expert mixol­o­gists, we offer a din­ing expe­ri­ence that per­fect­ly com­ple­ments the unique ambiance of our venue.

Ally Ross 734
Faith in Strangers press 004 2
Ally Ross 680
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DSC03655 Enhanced NR

Hid­den from the pub­lic view, jour­ney on up the secret entrance and through two bespoke light and audio art instal­la­tions (which you can cus­tomise to your pref­er­ence) to an envi­ron­ment that’s been designed from the ground up to stim­u­late all the sens­es and inter­act with the audi­ence to cre­ate that awe inspir­ing fac­tor that will kick the events off with a high ener­gy atmos­phere from all of your attendees. 


To car­ry on inspir­ing the ener­gy, you could cus­tomise the playlist on our bespoke built juke­box in the restrooms.


Get in con­tact to find out more how we can work togeth­er.


  • 300 Capacity

  • Fully operating Bar

  • Audiophile + Custom built Sound

  • Restaurant

  • Resident DJ Roster

  • Bespoke and Custom Lighting

  • Audio Equipment on site

  • Video Equipment on site

  • Super fast Internet

  • Events Manager Support

We take our sound seriously.

The first thing you’ll notice about Faith In Strangers is the amaz­ing views, the sec­ond might be how good the venue sounds. Archi­tec­tural­ly designed with acoustic pan­elling and angled walls has cre­at­ed a son­i­cal­ly sound hous­ing for our cus­tom built Posei­don Sound System’

The venue also hosts a unique mul­ti­-chan­nel array set up of Funk­tion One speak­ers. 24 of them are placed around the venue which cre­ates the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make spa­tial sound scapes along with sep­a­rate indi­vid­ual out­puts, evok­ing a sense of the­atre that immers­es the audi­ence from enter­ing the building.

What does this mean? — You’ll be able to greet your guests with pre-record­ed audio con­tent in all the dif­fer­ent zones as you please, as your guests enter the venue, walk­ing through the hall­way, up the stairs, in the bogs and in the dif­fer­ent areas of the main space too. Per­fect for a brand launch or to intro the evening and con­tin­u­al­ly engage over the course of the event.



Depending on the decoration, we may charge extra if it requires extra cleaning. We don't allow anything that damages our interior such as blue tac or tape. We prefer to avoid the use of glitter.

Only on a full private hire. There will be costs associated with renting the DJ equipment as well as security deposits.

Generally speaking no, but there are some exceptions (corkage on fine wine for instance), please contact us outlining your needs.

We have a fully fitted high-spec kitchen and can recommend a number of our guest chefs.

Get in touch for more details and con­nect with our events man­ag­er, who will guide you through the options and dis­cuss your require­ments to make your event perfect.