Three Young Talents

2022 Pro­gramme // July — December

Faith in Strangers press 010

Faith In Strangers is offer­ing six months free work­space mem­ber­ship for three young adults to work on their projects or cre­ative pur­suits. It’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get sup­port from the work­space com­mu­ni­ty and all the facil­i­ties we offer. This pro­gramme will run year­ly with new can­di­dates and at the end of the six months there will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to use the venue to demon­strate the prod­uct of their endeavours.

More info about the Faith In Strangers project is below.

Application Form

Who's it for?

If you are aged 18-25 and live in Thanet and work or would like to work within the creative and technological fields.

If you are a young person and are striving to make your way in your chosen field but lack access, resources and would benefit from working on your project from Faith In Strangers - then this is for you!


What do you get?

* Free access to the workspace Monday - Friday // 0800-1800.

* All the benefits of workspace membership including coffee, tea, refreshments, printing and meeting rooms.

* Be part of a community of talented creatives and professionals to bounce ideas off.

Broadcast Suite

Why are we doing this?

Hard work and developing talents are two of the key ingredients to reaching your goals. Just as important as those two ingredients is access; which is not spread equally or fairly across our society; we do not live in a meritocracy.

Restrictions on access often feel like glass ceilings or barriers that stop talented, hardworking individuals from achieving the progress that they merit.

Working on projects at home can often be an isolating experience, without the professional environment to keep you on track and the boosted morale that comes from interacting with creative peers. We want to utilise our resources to increase access and open doors for three young people living in Thanet.


How to apply?

  • 1


    Use the form found above to submit your application.

  • 2

    Deadline: June 16th 2022.

    Get your application in before then!

  • 3


    We'll let everyone know who was chosen by the end of June 2022.

Faith in Strangers press 009
Stairway Of Faith
Vocal Booth
Faith in Strangers 12

Faith In Strangers is seav­iew arts venue, restau­rant, bar & cowork­ing space.

The work­space oper­ates dur­ing the week, Mon­day to Fri­day 8am to 6pm. 

It’s a shared, col­lab­o­ra­tive envi­ron­ment, a place to make progress and be pro­duc­tive in an open and sup­port­ive community. 

Join a hive mind of creative thinkers in a building that encourages inspiration and synergy. Help to grow a community that will help you grow.

Co-operation takes us further; we encourage a supportive community of entrepreneurial thinkers. Why not join them and make Faith In Strangers your Workspace.

Our thoughtfully designed space and cultural programme will evoke inspiration and help you tap into your flow.

Faith in Strangers is a place for you to work, research and reflect, or just take in the tranquillity of the panoramic sea view. We have designed to space with a mixture of standing and seated desks, as well as lounge spots to relax and think.

Today, we recognise that finding balance is the shortest route to a better more productive lifestyle. Our workspace turns into a social space in the evening and on weekends; we invite you to stay and invite your friends.

Rent, legal fees, stamp duty, business rates, furniture, utilities, insurance, cleaning, maintenance, admin, bookkeeping - We've done all that for you, so you can crack on with whatever you do best.

  • Pro-Wifi + Data Sockets

  • CCTV

  • AC + Ventilation

  • Smart Phone Door Access

  • Lockers

  • Biophilic Design

  • Bioadaptive Lighting

  • Bespoke Furniture

  • Function One Speakers

  • Klipsche Audiophile Sound System

  • Filter Coffee + Teas

  • Printer + Scanner

  • Video Systems

  • Reference Library

  • Meeting Room & Call Booth

  • Members Portal

  • Community Lunches

  • Discount at Bar & Restuarant.

  • Discounted Tickets

  • Garden Terrace