Join Our All-Star Restau­rant Team!

Want to join the crew? — Email us your CV and cov­er to hello@​faithinstrangers.​co.​uk — include why you want to work with us.


We are thrilled to announce that the per­ma­nent Faith In Strangers restau­rant is set to launch this March, spear­head­ed by our tal­ent­ed Head Chef Jack­son Berg and founder Jere­my Duffy. As we pre­pare to open our doors, we’re on the look­out for pas­sion­ate A‑players to join our dynam­ic team.

Please get in con­tact if you are inter­st­ed and we’ll send over more details. 

We're looking for;

  • Hospitality Manager

  • Sous Chef

  • KP / Prep hand

  • Bar Staff / Mixologists

  • Front Of House & Waiting Staff

The Perfect Place To Grow Credit samharrons compendia 42 of 63
The Perfect Place To Grow Credit samharrons compendia 18 of 63
IMG 1015
The Perfect Place To Grow Credit samharrons compendia 16 of 63
IMG 1981
Stairway Of Faith
IMG 1997 1
Sunset Cocktails

Faith In Strangers is more than just a restau­rant — it’s a 350 capac­i­ty vibrant cul­tur­al venue, late-night bar and workspace.

Join­ing our team means being part of cre­at­ing some­thing extra­or­di­nary. If you share our ambi­tion, thrive in an ener­getic and cre­ative envi­ron­ment, and are excit­ed to con­tribute to a ground­break­ing culi­nary adven­ture, we want to hear from you. Help us rede­fine the din­ing expe­ri­ence and be a part of a team that’s set­ting new stan­dards in the restau­rant industry.

Apply now and become a key play­er in the Faith In Strangers family!

Head Chef Jackson Berg

Jackson Berg brings a wealth of experience from some of the UK's top kitchens, including the renowned St. John Bread & Wine and Bistroteque. Known for his creative approach and commitment to high-quality ingredients, Jackson has earned a strong reputation in the culinary scene.

At Faith In Strangers, Jackson's menus reflect our commitment to blending hospitality with innovation. His approach to food mirrors our approach to music—exploratory, creative, and deeply rooted in quality.


We’ve had amaz­ing DJ’s, artists and bands play, here’s to many more!

Horse Meat Dis­co, Luke Una, Mr Scruff, Coco Maria, Greg Wil­son, Char­lie Bones, Mafal­a­da, George Fitzger­ald, Crazy P, Rosy Ross Homo­elec­tric, DJ Paulette, Mario Rui Sil­va (Live), Low Life/​Bill Brew­ster, Joe God­dard Hot Chip, Colleen Cos­mo’ Mur­phy, Alex­is Hot Chip, Jaye Ward, Dis­co Blood­bath, Raw Silk, Ash­ley Bee­dle, Fat Tony, Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club, KRS-One, Corto.alto, LTJ Bukem, Yidah, Mad Pro­fes­sor, Tro­jan Sound Sys­tem, 808 state, Zed Bias, Graeme Park, Don­ae’o, Toby Tobias, Il Bosco, Ali Renault, Dusky, Tiger Balm, Erol Alkan, Ivan Smagge, Joy Orbi­son, Nor­ris Da Boss Win­dross, Matt Jam Lemont, The Secret DJ, Nor­man Jay, Don Letts, Skyrager, Good Block, Zakia, Daniel Avery, Ray Kei­th, Katie Bar­ber, Nadia Simone, Jaw G, PBR Street­gang, Yuri Suzu­ki, Eat Ethio, Paul Mudd, Sounds Of The Uni­verse, Alice Palace, JKriv, Rahaan, Tom Furse, Mil­lie, Noble and Heath, Eddie Pil­lar, Elk­ka, Goldie, DMX Krew, Night­wave, Dres­den, Ter­ry Far­ley, Falle Nioke, A.L.F.O.S, A Guy Called Ger­ald, Romare, Stan­ton War­riors, Tia Cousins, Steam­down, Blue Lab Beats