
About Faith In Strangers

Faith In Strangers is a 350 capac­i­ty com­bined arts venue with a focus on music but a strong inter­est in every­thing else. An open plan space with scenes across Mar­gate’s kalei­do­scop­ic skies and sea, sun­sets are a promi­nent fea­ture of the venue util­is­ing the far-reach­ing views of the hori­zon. Inside lies soft fur­nish­ings aplen­ty, cre­at­ing a house par­ty feel. Fre­quent­ly open to the pub­lic to walk in, there is also tick­et­ed entry for spe­cial events.

Artis­tic Vision & Music Policy

Our ambi­tion is to cul­ti­vate an audi­ence that encour­ages and sup­ports artists, per­form­ers & DJ’s, to explore their curiosi­ties, rar­i­ties, new styles and forms or find inter­est­ing ways to appre­ci­ate her­itage and old influ­ences. Our music pol­i­cy is formed by, but not restrict­ed to, a pas­sion for elec­tron­ic music, dis­co, rare grooves, psy­che­del­ic & exper­i­men­tal endeav­ours. Faith In Strangers is about the trust between peo­ple that cre­ates moments of uni­ty; we give artists the room to exper­i­ment and shape these moments.

We are cur­rent­ly devel­op­ing and design­ing the Faith in Strangers Posei­don’ sound sys­tem. It’s our cus­tom built high fideli­ty sys­tem which should be com­plete in the next few months. 

Artists we’ve had or are sched­uled to play. Daniel Avery, Horse Meat Dis­co, Goldie, Luke Una, Mr Scruff, Coco Maria, Char­lie Bones, Mafal­a­da, Colleen Cos­mo’ Mur­phy, George Fitzger­ald, Crazy P, Greg Wil­son, Homo­elec­tric, DJ Paulette, Mario Rui Sil­va (Live), Low Life/​Bill Brew­ster, Joe God­dard Hot Chip, Alex­is Hot Chip, Dis­co Blood­bath, Ash­ley Bee­dle & many more

  • Capacity: 350

  • Operating Hours: 18:00 - 02:30

  • Serving: Cocktails, wines, rare spirits, pints, low ABV and more

  • Audiophile & Multichannel Sound

  • Broadcast Venue

Faith in Strangers press 003

The venue hosts a unique mul­ti­chan­nel array set up of Funk­tion One speak­ers with Full Fat Audio amps. 18 speak­ers placed around the venue cre­ates the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make spa­tial sound scapes along with sep­a­rate indi­vid­ual out­puts, evok­ing a sense of the­atre that immers­es the audi­ence from enter­ing the build­ing. We have Klip­sch Corn­walls run­ning through Icon Audio pre­amps and Dual Quad QSP pow­er­amps for our cur­rent audio­phile set up. These will be replaced soon with our bespoke built system. 

We work with F1 Sound for fur­ther tech­ni­cal specs, for what­ev­er the per­for­mance requires.

Bespoke light­ing fea­tures sur­round the perime­ter of the venue offer­ing mood light­ing dur­ing the atmos­pher­ic moments to full club mode dur­ing oth­ers. The data dri­ven light­ing sys­tem has been plant­ed into the heart of the build­ing ready to cre­ate and respond to the atmos­phere. Light inter­ac­tion will play a lead­ing role for rev­ellers as they will be able to inter­act with the build­ing itself through move­ment, ges­tures and input from the cus­tomers themselves.

Faith In Strangers is built with cap­ture and broad­cast in mind. The venue has been designed to har­ness con­tent from mul­ti­ple dif­fer­ent cam­era set ups rang­ing from tap­ping into our CCTV, PTZ cams and DSLRs setups. The one-of-a-kind set­up will be con­trolled from a broad­cast booth with up to 21 sta­t­ic and adjustable cam­eras spaced at key points giv­ing a ground­break­ing amount of con­trol to any stream or record­ing. The ambi­tion is to turn the venue into a satel­lite, plat­form­ing and trans­mit­ting vehi­cle for those that could not attend in per­son giv­ing glob­al reach. Faith In Strangers will cap­ture moments and cre­ate episod­ic con­tent for future view­ing once events start­up once again. Oth­er times we’ll remain private.

The team will be equipped to enable per­for­mance to be broad­cast, record­ed and edit­ed. We’ve built the venue with the future of art and inter­ac­tiv­i­ty in mind. In prac­ti­cal terms this trans­lates to unique­ly designed instal­la­tions that can be con­trolled by artists and the audience.

Bar at night
Stairway Of Faith
Margate Cocktail Bar
Smoked Rosemary Espresso Martini
Faith In Strangers Sunset
Faith in Strangers press 010
Nikka Chamomile Highball
Sunset Cocktails
Lavander Sours

Speakers & Amps

Our sound system has been designed for multichannel audio processing. We have over 20 individual speakers placed around the venue that we can send audio individually to. Creating sound scapes but also seperate environmental control. There is an ongoing pursuit of the perfect high fidelty stereo pair and refined room acoustics for our audiophile system. Join us as we experiment, listen and develop.

  • Funktion One F81 x 14 (perimeter of mainspace)
  • Funktion One F118 subs x 2
  • Funktion One F55 x 1 (Stairs)
  • Funktion One F55 x 1 (Toilets)
  • Full Fat Audio with DSP x 4
  • Performance Monitors x 4
  • M-audio x 2 (Infinity Hallway)
  • Akai X 2 (Lobby)
  • Klipsch Cornwalls x 2
  • Icon Audio la4 Valve Amp
  • Dual Quad QSP
  • FIS 'Poseidons' Coming soon! :)
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Our control system lies tidied away behind the scenes with control sent to the broadcast suite. We can set up monitoring from Ipad tablets. We are also able to multitrack the recordings.

  • Allen & Heath SQ5
  • Allen & Heath Expansion I/O (For multichannel Audio)
  • Allen & Heath Slink DT168 (16 in 8 Out - XLR) (stage box)
  • Dante Expansion card for multichannel.
  • Dante AVIO output and input units - XLR to Ethernet.
  • Dante sound controller and virtual sound card licenses.
  • Monitoring Tablet for SQ5 Control


  • Isonoe ISO420 Mixer (awaiting delivery)
  • Allen and Heath Xone 96
  • Technics SL-1210 MK7 x 2
  • Pioneer CDJ-2000 NXS2 x 2
  • Audio Technica Cartridges - XP7
  • Audio Technica Weights
  • Audio Technica ATH-PRO7x Headphones
  • V-Moda Headphones x 2
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We'll be developing a cross between broadcasting wireless mic systems and studio grade condensors for live and studio production.

  • Shure Wireless Receiver (coming soon)
  • Wireless ShureSM58 (coming soon)
  • Shure wireless Body Mics (coming soon)
  • Neuman TLM 103
  • Audio Technica ATM25 x 4
  • Audio Technica ATM33a
  • Audio Technica AT8532 x 2
  • Shure SM58
  • USB Mic
  • Stands - Short/Tall/Podcast

Video / Projection

  • Projector 1 HD (Main East)
  • Projector 2 HD(Main West) (coming soon)
  • Projector 3 HD (Lobby)
  • Projector 4 (Digital signage hallway)
  • Oculus Rift S
  • Green Screen (Virtual Production)


Our venue has been designed in detail to create a unique atmosphere with our own custom built lighting set up. All the lighting can sync to audio and other data sources.

  • Bespoke 177 Addressable Pixel Wall Lights x 11 surrounding the perimeter of the main space.
  • Bespoke 12 Steps Address Pixel Light Tunnel
  • Spotlight DMX controlled (coming soon)
  • 2 x Photogrpahy Lighting (tall)
  • 2 x Photogrpahy Lighting (short)
  • Addressable bar lighting control
  • Toilet cubicles and main lighting control, custom jukebox control.
  • Resolume / Ableton
Stairway Of Faith

Control & Broadcast

Our recording, broadcasting and editing facilities will grow over time. Our aim is to develop an experimental approach to blending the informal, the voyeuristic and the live studio approaches to video format.

  • Sony AS7II (4k)
  • Sigma 24-70mm
  • Sigma 50mm Prime
  • Birddog 4K PTZ camera
  • Logictech Briostream (4k)
  • Roland VR 50HD II
  • Tripods x 2
  • Multiple displays
  • Remote Tablet Control
  • 32:9 Radio ultrawide HDR Screen,
  • Broadcast Machine - AMD 5950 CPU,128 GB Ram, NVidea RTX3090 Super, HDs, Blackmagic Video Capture Card 4k
  • Events & Arts Machine- Content and control over art installations, projection, lighting. Nvidea RTX 2070 Super
  • Ableton
  • Adode Creative suite

Misc & Building

  • Bioadaptive architectural lighting (circadian lighting)
  • Osram Spot lighting for highlighting
  • Panasonic Air Conditioning x 7
  • Remote Door Entry
  • 20 x CCTV
  • Buidling Control Machine / Linux Server - Nvidia GTX 1650, i9 8960HK 6 Cores, 16GB DDR4 - automation and data server, controlled with remote tablet app.
  • Rigging points
  • Power - 3phase / 32Amp sockets
  • Internet - Leased Line 100mbps up/down
  • Remote Door Entry


  • Hearing Loop (coming soon)
  • No wheelchair access
  • Generative Subtitles (Machine Learning) (coming soon)