Faith In Strangers Live Series 2024

Join us on an explo­ration of sound: from elec­tron­i­ca and tech­no to jazz and afrobeat blues.

Check out the acts below

Octave One

In an exclu­sive and rare Mar­gate per­for­mance, Detroit tech­no leg­ends Octave One are bring­ing their unpar­al­leled live show to Faith in Strangers. Renowned for their all-hard­ware set­up – no lap­tops, just pure machines – broth­ers Lenny and Lawrence Bur­den trans­form syn­the­siz­ers and sequencers into a dynam­ic, hands-on expe­ri­ence that push­es the bound­aries of elec­tron­ic music. With icon­ic tracks like ​“Black Water” and over three decades of influ­ence, Octave One’s live sets are glob­al­ly cel­e­brat­ed for their raw ener­gy and tech­ni­cal mastery.

This is a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to see true pio­neers of Detroit tech­no up close, in a set­ting as unique as their per­for­mance. Don’t miss the chance to feel the pulse of Detroit right here in Margate.



Join us as we wel­come Kujen­ga, the impro­vised music out­fit from Cape Town, whose name — mean­ing ​“to build” in Swahili — reflects their mis­sion to cre­ate deep, con­nec­tive expe­ri­ences through sound. Kujen­ga believes in the pow­er of music to unite and ele­vate, craft­ing per­for­mances that res­onate on a per­son­al lev­el with every listener.

Kujen­ga’s impact on the jazz scene has been pro­found. NamedNew­com­er of the Year at the 2024 Mzan­si Jazz Awards, they have also been hon­oured in the Mail & Guardian’s Top 200 Young South Africans 2024and received a SAMA Award nom­i­na­tion for Best Jazz Album. Their dynam­ic, genre-blend­ing per­for­mances have head­lined icon­ic fes­ti­vals like the Cape Town Inter­na­tion­al Jazz Fes­ti­val and Stan­dard Bank Joy of Jazz, solid­i­fy­ing their place on the glob­al stage.

Their jour­ney in music began with the release of their debut album, Nation­al­i­ty, in 2019, fol­lowed by the acclaimedIn The Wake, launched in March 2024. Each album embod­ies their ethos — an explo­ration of iden­ti­ty, rhythm, and the human spirit.

This promis­es to be an unfor­get­table night, blend­ing sounds that move the soul and rhythms that con­nect us all. Don’t miss Kujen­ga at Faith In Strangers

Gold Panda


On 30th Novem­ber, join us at Faith In Strangers as we wel­come Gold Pan­da for a cap­ti­vat­ing live set. Cel­e­brat­ed for his immer­sive, rich­ly lay­ered sound­scapes, Gold Pan­da weaves influ­ences from his jour­neys through Japan and his roots in Essex, cre­at­ing a live expe­ri­ence that merges elec­tron­ic pre­ci­sion with deep emo­tion­al resonance.

Gold Panda’s career is marked by a unique approach to elec­tron­ic music, bring­ing a warmth and human­i­ty to his com­po­si­tions that’s rarely seen in the genre. From his break­through albumLucky Shin­er to his lat­est work, Good Luck And Do Your Best, his music draws on field record­ings, intri­cate beats, and a visu­al inspi­ra­tion that trans­ports lis­ten­ers. These per­for­mances aren’t just about the music; they reflect a per­son­al jour­ney, cre­at­ing a world of sound that feels famil­iar yet otherworldly.

This live set promis­es a fusion of past influ­ences and new per­spec­tives, an unmiss­able evening with one of elec­tron­ic music’s most com­pelling cre­ators. Come ready to be enveloped in sound as Gold Panda’s unique sto­ry­telling unfolds on our stage.

Paranoid London A/V


Para­noid Lon­don join Faith In Strangers for a spe­cial audio visu­al show of their sig­na­ture raw acid house sound on Fri 6 Dec.

Para­noid Lon­don have become syn­ony­mous with strip­ping acid house back down to its basics. Res­cu­ing the sound from smi­ley faces, rave, and sug­ary excess. Ref­er­enc­ing instead its gay, black, Amer­i­can roots. Tak­ing the under­ground over­ground. Knock­ing out not hands-in-the-air anthems, but rough, rude, raw jack. Not safe, slick, or soul­less, but joints pur­pose­ly over-dri­ven, dis­tort­ed, and full of tape hiss.



On Sun­day, 8th Decem­ber 2024, join us as Mer­cury Prize-short­list­ed artist corto.alto (aka Liam Short­all) brings his acclaimed sound to Faith In Strangers. This Scot­tish com­pos­er and mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist has gained inter­na­tion­al recog­ni­tion for his debut album, Bad With Names, which cap­tures the raw ener­gy and depth of Glas­gow’s music scene. With mil­lions of streams and sup­port from lumi­nar­ies like Gilles Peter­son and Jamie Cul­lum, corto.alto’s music is root­ed in jazz yet bold­ly experimental.

Cur­rent­ly, Liam is explor­ing new hori­zons with his 30⁄108 project, an ambi­tious col­lec­tion of 30 tracks released over 30 days. Known for fus­ing jazz impro­vi­sa­tion with elec­tron­ic beats and a grit­ty, DIY ethos, corto.alto’s live shows are a unique expe­ri­ence that defy genre expec­ta­tions. Pre­pare for an evening of inspired grooves and inven­tive sound­scapes as this Mer­cury Prize nom­i­nee takes the stage.

Ebi Soda


On Wednes­day, 11th Decem­ber 2024, join us for a genre-bend­ing night with Ebi Soda, Brighton’s own anti-tra­di­tion­al­ists blend­ing jazz, hip-hop, and post-punk ener­gy. Known for their raw, unfil­tered sound, Ebi Soda pulls inspi­ra­tion from the grit­ty, bass-heavy atmos­pheres of UK under­ground rave cul­ture more than clas­sic jazz. Their music isn’t about look­ing back; it’s about break­ing new ground.

Ebi Soda’s live per­for­mance is an intense expe­ri­ence, fea­tur­ing sear­ing trom­bones, errat­ic drum breaks, and lay­ered elec­tron­ic sound­scapes dri­ven by break­beats and sen­su­al basslines. Root­ed in a DIY ethos, they embrace the spir­it of post-punk, craft­ing tracks that emerge from smoky, unre­fined spaces rather than pol­ished jazz clubs.

Expect an unfor­get­table evening of unre­strained inno­va­tion and infec­tious rhythm. This isn’t jazz as you know it — it’s Ebi Soda, live and unapologetic.

Abdoulaye Samb and Min­njiara­by & Falle Nioke


Join us on 21st Decem­ber for an unfor­get­table evening with Abdoulaye Samb & Min­njiara­by for a new event series called Music Is Life, curat­ed by Falle Nioke and Matt.

A cap­ti­vat­ing blend of tra­di­tion­al Sene­galese music with Euro­pean influ­ences, inspired by Fula and Mandin­ka cul­tures. Led by Sene­galese song­writer Abdoulaye Samb, whose heart­warm­ing per­for­mances and vibrant ener­gy leave audi­ences mes­merised, Min­njiara­by embod­ies the spir­it of ​“the love of mix­ing” — an open cel­e­bra­tion of Senegal’s rich cul­tur­al her­itage and glob­al influences.

Abdoulaye’s jour­ney from a hum­ble back­ground in Dakar to the Lon­don music scene is one of resilience and raw tal­ent. His first gui­tar, craft­ed from an oil­can and fish­ing wire, began a musi­cal path enriched by the men­tor­ship of leg­endary Gri­ot musi­cian Mamaya Kanoute. Today, Abdoulaye chan­nels this lega­cy into pow­er­ful live per­for­mances that have touched hearts across the Lon­don circuit.

With a sev­en-piece line­up of skilled musi­cians, Min­njiara­by deliv­ers an eclec­tic, soul­ful sound­scape that is both ground­ed in Sene­galese tra­di­tion and lift­ed by Euro­pean sen­si­bil­i­ties. Don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence Abdoulaye Samb & Minnjiaraby’s unique, soul­ful jour­ney at Faith in Strangers — pre­pare to be moved, uplift­ed, and inspired.

This pro­gramme has been made pos­si­ble with fund­ing from the Arts Coun­cil, whom we are most grate­ful for.