Sat 14 Sep

Tia Cousins, Zoe & Damo

Presented by Red Tele­phone

About this event

Red Tele­phone is pleased to announce our next guest the fan­tas­tic
Tia Cousins, a young, up and com­ing Lon­don based DJ, brings her eclec­tic and exper­i­men­tal sounds to Mar­gate.

Tia is a col­lec­tor with a pas­sion for in-between sounds, avant-garde gen­res and nich­es both old and new.

Her musi­cal cal­i­bre has won her plen­ty of recog­ni­tion in under­ground cir­cles and Tia’s exten­sive knowl­edge reach­es well into jazz, synth-pop and post-punk. She can just as eas­i­ly lay down a mix of gen­res with ease in the club.

With sets sup­port­ing Over­mono on their UK& Ire­land tour, as well as debut­ing at fes­ti­vals like Field Maneu­vers and Love inter­na­tion­al, plus mak­ing appear­ances at pro­lif­ic clubs such as Fab­ric, Cor­si­ca Stu­dios and The Beams this past year, Tia is one to watch.

Her head­line set at Faith In Strangers is in col­lab­o­ra­tion with local pro­mot­ers Red Tele­phone with musi­cal sup­port from DJ’s Zoe and Damo

This is set to be a fan­tas­tic event, in cel­e­bra­tion of Red Tele­phones 1 year anniversary.


9:00 PM
2:30 AM


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