Fri 19 Jul

Thali & Things Food Pop Up

Presented by

About this event

Enshrined in home cooked Indi­an recipes passed down through gen­er­a­tions of fam­i­ly, Thali & Things gives a small glimpse to what food is eat­en in Indi­an homes. Pri­mar­i­ly dish­es orig­i­nat­ing from Gujarat but some have also been eked out of the India melt­ing pot of chefs in Goa. All dish­es have been tweaked, fused and rein­ter­pret­ed as every Indi­an chef, cook, mum, aunt, uncle & sis­ter has always done. Served in clas­sic thali trays, cre­at­ing a com­plete meal using a selec­tion of dish­es with a vari­ety of flavours and tex­tures. We will be offer­ing 3 thali options at the event, veg­an, lamb & chick­en. As this is pop-up sup­per club, all food will be pre­pared to order so will require pre-order­ing. We will be in touch to arrange pre-orders once you have booked. Book­ing requires a £10 pay­ment per per­son with the bal­ance paid at the event


4:16 PM


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