Sat 01 Oct

Sun­set Selec­tions with Katie Barber

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

All­round tastemak­er and audio afi­ciona­do Katie Bar­ber returns for a free par­ty, expect funk, dis­co, soul, house and more. Warm up amongst friends, with music until til late.

Cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of The­La­dyz / Lady­bugz, res­i­dent and pro­mot­er of TBC and Adven­tures in Par­adise and a reg­u­lar at Sound­clash, Katie has had a long and cred­i­ble career as a DJ on radio and in clubs and fes­ti­vals all over the UK and abroad.

Katie Bar­ber has a long and var­ied his­to­ry as a DJ and pro­mot­er, one that sees her firm­ly estab­lished as high­ly in demand not just in Lon­don and the UK but through­out the globe. Katie caught the DJ bug back in the ear­ly 90s but things real­ly kicked off for her at the tail end of the decade with res­i­den­cies for the Dora­do record label and Patrick Forge and Phil Asher’s high­ly influ­en­tial Inspi­ra­tion Infor­ma­tion nights at the Not­ting Hill Arts Club. Since then she’s per­formed and held down res­i­den­cies at a myr­i­ad of fes­ti­vals includ­ing Glas­ton­bury, The Big Chill and Croatia’s Gar­den Fes­ti­val , clubs such as The End, Fab­ric and Plas­tic Peo­ple and famed nights like Need 2 Soul, Faith and Co-Op. She’s played along­side a roll call of some of the world’s finest DJs includ­ing Ker­ri Chan­dler, DJ Deep, Jerome Syden­ham, King Britt, DJ Spin­na, Kariz­ma, Nor­man Jay & the Idjut Boys to name just a few. Doors at 6pm, selec­tions from 9pm.

On top of all this Katie still finds time to be a founder mem­ber of the all-girl DJ col­lec­tive Ladyz, for­mer­ly Lady­bugz, as well as run­ning her own nights, Adven­tures In Par­adise and TBC, and can often be found host­ing radio shows for Min­istry of Sound and Rinse FM. Equal­ly at home play­ing to 1000 plus peo­ple at the Mon­treaux Jazz Fes­ti­val as she is in an inti­mate par­ty with friends, Katie is a true mis­tress of her craft. With an ency­clopaedic knowl­edge root­ed deep in the core of dance music Katie is an asset to any par­ty any­where you may find her.


6:00 PM
9:00 PM
Katie Barber


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