Fri 27 Oct

Sum­mers End: Zakia (NTS)

Presented by Seadog Books

About this event

Join us for Summer’s End with Zakia (NTS). SEADOG presents a cel­e­bra­tion of Summer’s End with Zakia (NTS). Guis­ing encour­aged, bring apples and offer­ings for the land of the spir­its.

Zakia Sewell is a broad­cast­er, writer and DJ from Lon­don with a pas­sion for music, arts, men­tal health and his­to­ry. She reg­u­lar­ly pro­duces and presents radio doc­u­men­taries and pod­casts for plat­forms includ­ing BBC Radio 4, BBC World Ser­vice, Tate, and Boil­er Room and has explored a wide range of top­ics, from Caribbean ances­tral drum­ming, to schiz­o­phre­nia and inter­gen­er­a­tional trau­ma, to impro­vi­sa­tion in the arts.

Along­side audio pro­duc­tion, Zakia is an enthu­si­as­tic and respect­ed col­lec­tor and shar­er of music. Hav­ing spent sev­er­al years work­ing behind the counter at Hon­est Jons Records in West Lon­don, Zakia land­ed a now-week­ly and wide­ly pop­u­lar show on NTS Radio, called Quest­ing w/​Zakia, where she inter­views guests and plays cos­mic music from across the globe. As a DJ, Zakia has per­formed at esteemed clubs and fes­ti­vals in Lon­don and abroad, includ­ing the likes of Dek­man­tel, Dimen­sions, We Out Here, GALA, XOYO, Bril­liant Cor­ners, Goril­la, Jazz Café and Maid­en Voyage. 

Zakia reg­u­lar­ly leads radio work­shops offer­ing advice and sup­port to aspir­ing radio mak­ers and has worked on cre­ative research projects with archives and arts insti­tu­tions such as Times­pan, the Stu­art Hall Library and the George Pad­more institute. 

Join us for this enchant­i­ng autum­nal night of musi­cal explo­ration at Faith in Strangers on the 27th October

Sup­port from Melin­da Bron­stein and visu­als by Lisa Badevokila




10:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.