Fri 17 May

Steam Down

Presented by FIS X Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

On Fri­day 17th May, we wel­come the incred­i­ble Dept­ford based artist col­lec­tive Steam Down for a spe­cial live per­for­mance at Faith In Strangers, Margate.

Found­ed by mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist, com­pos­er and pro­duc­er Ahnan­sé in May 2017, the ini­tial event was cre­at­ed to con­nect Lon­don based musi­cians and pro­duc­ers. Since then it has evolved into a week­ly event where Steam Down artists and its extend­ed musi­cal fam­i­ly gen­er­ate spon­ta­neous son­ic sound­scapes reflect­ing their lives in the city.

Steam Down has quick­ly become a house­hold name in London’s music scene, and most recent­ly received two Jazz FM awards includ­ing The Inno­va­tion Award spon­sored by Mish­con de Reya and Live Expe­ri­ence of the Year Award spon­sored by Yama­ha UK fea­tur­ing Kamasi Washington.

The band have sold out shows at Jazz Café, The Albany and Vil­lage Under­ground and per­formed at a num­ber of fes­ti­vals includ­ing Maid­en Voy­age, Gilles Peterson’s We Out Here Fes­ti­val, Love Supreme and on Glastonbury’s Park Stage.


7:30 PM


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