Fri 23 Feb

Ray Kei­th Ft MC Navigator

Presented by Sound­crash

About this event

From rare-groove to acid-house to hard­core to jun­gle, Ray Kei­th remained one of the most steady DJs on Eng­land’s break­beat scene dur­ing the 1980s and 90s.

After a remix of Orbital’s Chime,” he moved into pro­duc­tion with appar­ent ease and became a respect­ed Drum & Bass label-head as well. Born in Colch­ester, Kei­th began DJ-ing by the ear­ly 80s and fol­lowed Eng­lish beat-freaks through soul, hip-hop and rare-groove until the acid-house and hard­core explo­sion of the late 80s and ear­ly 90s.

By the mid­dle of the 90s, he had become one of the most inspired Drum & Bass DJs and remix­ers. His own pro­duc­tions, includ­ing the jump-up anthem Ter­ror­ist,” began tak­ing cen­tre stage by the mid-’90s and Kei­th formed three sep­a­rate labels — Pen­ny Black, Dread and UFO — in 1996.

He has worked in close asso­ci­a­tion with Gavin Che­ung (aka Nook­ie) and also works at one of the pre­mière dance shops in Britain, Black Mar­ket Records. Kei­th released the Pen­ny Black col­lec­tion Break­age, Vol. 1 in 1997, fol­lowed by a solo debut of sorts, 1999’s UFO Presents Contact. 


Ray Kei­th joins us with MC Nav­i­ga­tor and sup­port for DJ Fly for this spe­cial event at Faith in Strangers on Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 23rd.

Not one to miss.


10:00 PM


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