Sat 24 Feb

Prah Record­ings Pop Up Show: Faizal Mostrixx (Live), Mer­maid Chunky (DJ), Jack­son & His Com­put­er Hands (DJ)

Presented by PRAH Record­ings

About this event

We’re super psy­ched to announce a last minute sur­prise gig from PRAH Record­ings fea­tur­ing the ground­break­ing UK debut of Ugan­dan sen­sa­tion Faizal Mostrixx (Live), along­side the enig­mat­ic Mer­maid Chunky (DJ) and the dynam­ic duo Ash & Jack­son (DJ).

Faizal Mostrixx, hail­ing from Ugan­da, brings his elec­tri­fy­ing fusion of East African rhythms and con­tem­po­rary sounds to the UK for the very first time. His jour­ney from a dancer influ­enced by his moth­er’s tra­di­tion­al troupe to a pio­neer­ing music pro­duc­er show­cas­es his unique blend of styles that promise to captivate.

Mer­maid Chunky, emerg­ing from the val­leys of Stroud into the exper­i­men­tal scene of North-East Lon­don, chal­lenges per­cep­tions with their bold, ques­tion-ask­ing per­for­mances. Their lat­est tracks, tack­ling top­ics from the Herb Hier­ar­chy to the New­bury Bypass, are set against a back­drop of elec­tron­ic chaos, trance rhythms, and sax solos. Known for their lav­ish, large-scale events, Mer­maid Chunky’s DJ set is an explo­ration of visu­al art, sound, and the unexpected.

Com­plet­ing the line­up, local house music stew­ards Jack­son & His Com­put­er Hands DJ set will keep the par­ty going until late!


7:00 PM
Stephen Bass
8:00 PM
Falle Nioke
9:00 PM
Mermaid Chunky
11:00 PM
Faizal Mostrixx
12:00 AM
Jackson & His Computer Hands
4:58 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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