Fri 15 Nov

Plas­ti­cian (Extend­ed set) + Beau

Presented by Faith in Strangers

About this event

Faith in Strangers presents: Plas­ti­cian (Extend­ed Set) + Sup­port from Beau 



Plas­ti­cian is a Croy­don based DJ / Pro­duc­er known for his cut­ting edge selec­tions and a keen ear for new trends and gen­res. Most com­mon­ly known for his involve­ment at the hum­ble begin­nings of London’s Grime & Dub­step move­ments, Plas­ti­cian was recog­nised as the first artist to tru­ly cross the bound­aries between the two gen­res, which he show­cased on Rinse FM, and then on BBC Radio 1 in the mid 00’s with his pop­u­lar radio broad­casts, which con­tin­ue to this day – some 22 years since his first broadcasts. 

As a pro­duc­er, he has count­less cred­its to his name both as a com­pos­er of his own orig­i­nal records, and on pro­duc­tion cred­its and col­lab­o­ra­tions for artists all over the world, includ­ing the likes of Skep­ta, M.I.A., Snoop Dogg and many more. 

Glob­al recog­ni­tion allowed Plas­ti­cian to trav­el the globe as an ambas­sador for every­thing that was hap­pen­ing in the UK across bass and elec­tron­ic music as Grime & Dub­step grew in stature out­side of their UK audi­ence. In turn the jour­neys he took opened his eyes and ears to many cul­tures and move­ments around the globe – allow­ing him to tru­ly broad­en his selec­tion and inte­grate wider influ­ences, which had a knock on effect with all the up and com­ing pro­duc­ers who reli­gious­ly fol­lowed the sounds being rep­re­sent­ed in his sets, radio shows and through the releas­es on his Ter­rorhythm imprint which he has run since 2003

This influ­ence spurned many off­shoots of the gen­res and styles he rep­re­sent­ed, most notably the Wave” move­ment around 2014 for which Plas­ti­cian is regard­ed as being the main founder and cura­tor of in its ear­ly forms. Today Plas­ti­cian is regard­ed by many as one of the most impor­tant fig­ures in UK under­ground music cul­ture, and he con­tin­ues to pio­neer new emerg­ing artists and gen­res in his DJ sets and via his Ter­rorhythm Record­ings label. 



Join­ing him for sup­port is up-and-com­ing elec­tron­ic artist & pro­duc­er, Beau. Kent born and raised Will Mid­dle­miss, has been mak­ing move­ments in the UK’s under­ground future garage scene and pro­vid­ing the next wave of the ever evolv­ing sounds and pro­duc­tion of ambi­ent, dub­step and under­ground electronica.

Hav­ing fea­tured on Plas­ti­cian’s Wave­pool Vol 3, Beau has been only increas­ing his wider fol­low­ing. Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from ground­break­ing artists like Bur­ial, Beau’s sound­scapes are a haunt­ing blend of ethe­re­al tex­tures and pul­sat­ing rhythms. With a unique abil­i­ty to evoke deep emo­tions through intri­cate production.


6:00 PM
Venue/Bar Open
8:30 PM
Event Doors


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