Sat 21 Dec

Abdoulaye Samb and Min­njiara­by & Falle Nioke

Presented by Faith In Strangers Live Series

About this event

Faith in Strangers Live Series: Music Is Life: Abdoulaye Samb & Min­njiara­by, Falle Nioke.

Join us on 21st Decem­ber for an unfor­get­table evening with Abdoulaye Samb & Min­njiara­by for a new event series called Music Is Life, curat­ed by Falle Nioke and Matt.

A cap­ti­vat­ing blend of tra­di­tion­al Sene­galese music with Euro­pean influ­ences, inspired by Fula and Mandin­ka cul­tures. Led by Sene­galese song­writer Abdoulaye Samb, whose heart­warm­ing per­for­mances and vibrant ener­gy leave audi­ences mes­merised, Min­njiara­by embod­ies the spir­it of the love of mix­ing” — an open cel­e­bra­tion of Senegal’s rich cul­tur­al her­itage and glob­al influences.

Abdoulaye’s jour­ney from a hum­ble back­ground in Dakar to the Lon­don music scene is one of resilience and raw tal­ent. His first gui­tar, craft­ed from an oil­can and fish­ing wire, began a musi­cal path enriched by the men­tor­ship of leg­endary Gri­ot musi­cian Mamaya Kanoute. Today, Abdoulaye chan­nels this lega­cy into pow­er­ful live per­for­mances that have touched hearts across the Lon­don circuit.

With a sev­en-piece line­up of skilled musi­cians, Min­njiara­by deliv­ers an eclec­tic, soul­ful sound­scape that is both ground­ed in Sene­galese tra­di­tion and lift­ed by Euro­pean sen­si­bil­i­ties. Don’t miss this oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence Abdoulaye Samb & Minnjiaraby’s unique, soul­ful jour­ney at Faith in Strangers — pre­pare to be moved, uplift­ed, and inspired.


8:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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