Sat 22 Feb

Move­ment: Erol Alkan

In partnership with Move­ment Margate

About this event

Move­ment is back for it’s first show of 2025, explor­ing off-kil­ter elec­tron­ic house and tech­no music — and we are very excit­ed to wel­come back Erol Alkan, after he kicked off the incred­i­ble very first Move­ment night at Faith In Strangers with Matt Walsh in 2023.

Erol is some­one who is not sus­cep­ti­ble to clich­es, but amid a life devot­ed to alter­na­tive and elec­tron­ic music cul­ture, one just might be true; he is an artist who needs no introduction.

Alka­n’s cre­ative life as a DJ, pro­duc­er, label own­er, radio host and col­lab­o­ra­tor has spanned decades. His exhaus­tive his­to­ry reads almost like mythol­o­gy; the shy boy who snuck out of his bed­room win­dow to play indie records to ruth­less­ly unfor­giv­ing crowds, and end­ed up trans­form­ing the Lon­don club scene, bridg­ing dis­parate scenes with exper­i­men­ta­tion and abandon.

Matt Walsh began to devel­op his trade­mark sound of mod­ern dis­­­co-infused elec­tron­ic house and tech­no in 2005, when an offer of a res­i­den­cy at East London’s sem­i­nal T‑Bar club set off a chain of events that would lead to him tour­ing the globe. Move­ment” is the next chap­ter, tak­ing the brand to the dance­floor, along­side DJ friends from around the globe.

Pre­pare to lose your­self on the dark­ened dance floor, as Matt and his hand­picked artists take you on a jour­ney through a uni­verse of beats, synths, and acidic sounds.

Move­ment” is not just a club night; it’s a des­ti­na­tion for those who live and breathe elec­tron­ic music.


9:00 PM
Matt Walsh


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.