Sat 11 Sep

Mário Rui Silva

Presented by Time Cap­sule

About this event

Faith In Strangers are host­ing a rare and unique per­for­mance… Time Cap­sule: presents Mário Rui Silva.

Mário Rui Sil­va brings back his songs from the 80s with a full band for a 2 date tour of the UK. Sat­ur­day 11th Sep­tem­ber at Faith In Strangers in Mar­gate, and Sun­day 12th at Giant Steps (sis­ter venue of Hack­ney’s Bril­liant Cor­ners).
Angolan gui­tarist, singer song­writer, researcher and intel­lec­tu­al Mário Rui Sil­va did­n’t receive the recog­ni­tion he deserved until recent­ly. Whether on mes­meris­ing acoustic bal­lads or hyp­not­ic groove-led tracks, Mário Rui Sil­va’s music has a beguil­ing, melan­choly qual­i­ty, woven into the dynam­ics of his deft gui­tar play­ing. What might sound like the into­na­tions of Brazil­ian influ­ence are what Mário attrib­ut­es to the African rhythms tak­en by the slaves [which] gave rise to oth­er musi­cal cul­tures” around the globe. Instead, this music emerged from a col­lec­tive instinct to assert a cos­mopoli­tan Angolan iden­ti­ty free from the patro­n­is­ing false­hoods of Lusotropicalism.

There was a need with­in me to con­tribute in doing new things,” Mário describes. In the sense of solid­i­fy­ing the music of Ango­la that was the result of the meet­ing of two cul­tures, and want­i­ng to val­ue the Angolan part when­ev­er pos­si­ble.”

A selec­tion from Mário’s three 1980s albums, Sung’Ali (1982), Tunapen­da Afri­ka (1985) and Koizas dum Out­ru Tem­pu (1988) have been com­piled as a 2xLP release by Time Cap­sule and released in June 2021. It pro­vides a snap­shot of one man’s jour­ney to the core of his nation’s music, charged with the search for a cul­ture uproot­ed by colo­nial­ism. Praised by bth glob­al DJs and taste mak­ers alike, the first press of the dou­ble LP was quick­ly sold out after a cou­ple of weeks.
Mário ded­i­cat­ed his life to Angolan pop­u­lar music. His fifty-year career has seen him live between Ango­la and Europe, rub shoul­ders with Cameroon­ian musi­cians Fran­cis Bebey and Ewan­jé, record the sem­i­nal album Ango­la 72 with fel­low Angolan musi­cian Bon­ga, and draw influ­ence from Brazil­ian gui­tarist Baden Pow­ell.

He will be accom­pa­nied by his long-time col­lab­o­ra­tors from Ango­la Mário Gar­na­cho (who played the key­boards on the 1st sin­gle of the com­pi­la­tion Kazum-zum-zum” and Nel­son Oliveira on bass. He’ll also wel­come one his stu­dents and a mas­ter Angolan per­cus­sion­ist based in Lon­don Tel­lo Mor­ga­do (2000 Black / Joce­lyn Brown) and anoth­er Lon­don based drum­mer Elias Kako­mano­lis (Car­men Souza) from Mozam­bique.

Full Line­up:
Mário Rui Sil­va (Gt/​Vo)
Mário Gar­na­cho (Key)
Nel­son Oliveira (Bass)
Elias Kako­mano­lis (Drums)
Tel­lo Mor­ga­do (Perc)

Lis­ten to the com­pi­la­tion Sto­ries From Anoth­er Time 1982 – 1988https://​time​cap​sule​.lnk​.to/​M​a​r​i​o​R​u​i​Silva

Read more


5:00 PM
Doors open
7:24 PM
Mário Rui Silva live band sunset
9:00 PM
Kay Suzuki


This event will be for tick­et hold­ers only.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

Com­ing soon

More info