Sat 21 May

FISWARM // Luke Una E‑Soul Cul­tura Launch

Presented by Faith In Strangers X Warm

About this event

Luke Una is trav­el­ling to Mar­gate as part of the grand launch of his new E‑Soul Cul­tura com­pli­a­tion that is avail­able to order here

Join Luke Una and Katie Bar­ber on Sat­ur­day the 21st of May, as they put togeth­er a night to remem­ber. Spe­cial guest Luke Una at Faith In Strangers for a sec­ond time, rep­re­sent­ing the sec­ond install­ment of our Warm Series, don’t wait a sec­ond — get your tick­ets now!

E‑Soul Cul­tura

With some of the best DJs and selec­tors there is a cer­tain mys­te­ri­ous sound or under­ly­ing feel­ing which unites the music they play, regard­less of genre, year or tem­po. Luke Una is a mas­ter of telling a sto­ry through music and this com­pi­la­tion is a per­fect exam­ple of his musi­cal alche­my in action. Fea­tur­ing tracks from Yusef Lateef, Air­to Mor­eira, Crooked Man, Hen­ri Tex­i­er and many more, it is a col­lec­tion of new, old, rare and under-dis­cov­ered music from around the world, all unit­ed by Luke under the ban­ner of E‑Soul Cultura”.

It’s best described by Luke him­self, who writes: As the 5AM city sleeps and the strobe lights are slow­ly turned off, we gath­er on the wrong side of town in a tran­scen­den­tal jour­ney alone togeth­er. We are the late night dis­en­fran­chised hold­ing on in var­i­ous after par­ties, flats, lofts, ran­dom kitchens and base­ments into the out­er cos­mos with É Soul Cul­tura. Music from exot­ic tear jerk­ers, Afro-spir­i­tu­al jazz, cos­mic Brazil­ian celes­tial grooves, machine street soul, dark hors­es, lost B‑sides, £1 bar­gain-bin bombs, hid­den gems, late night Ita­lo dub­bing, deep vel­vet N.Y.C garage, bass bug­gin son­ic futur­ism, wrong speed 33BPM pitched up +8 new beat, majes­tic sun­set strings, sweet vocals from heav­en, no half step­pin jazz danc­ing in out­er-space and odd num­bers. Yes… mag­i­cal moments, togeth­er, hold­ing on in wit­ness pro­tec­tion sub­ur­ban cul-de-sacs and Cas­tle Court flats. Cos­mic É high, 3000ft above the city get­ting evan­gel­i­cal to murky, wonky time­less beau­ti­ful music. This thing of ours dream­ing of bet­ter days. Fail we may, sail we must, the sun will come up again.”

Begin­ning his career as an orig­i­nal Sheffield house young blood in the mid 1980s, Luke’s move to Man­ches­ter and part­ner­ship with Justin Craw­ford saw the birth of Elec­tric Chair, a cor­ner­stone cult night in the UK under­ground club scene, and lat­er Elec­tric Ele­phant, a Croa­t­ian fes­ti­val pay­ing homage to their wild eclec­ti­cism from Balearic to Brazil­ian to E soul, house, dis­co and tech­no. Luke’s much loved, long run­ning Homo­elec­tric night and more recent­ly Homobloc sell out fes­ti­val for 10,000 souls has been at the fore­front of Manchester’s LGBTQ cul­tur­al landscape.

Luke’s Fri­day evening show on World­wide FM has cap­tured imag­i­na­tions and has already become a cult four hour must-lis­ten month­ly jour­ney with fans all over the world. Today Luke remains, as ever, at the fore­front of a chang­ing scene, pair­ing the momen­tous lega­cy of Manchester’s 80s and 90s scene with the deliv­ery of what today’s club com­mu­ni­ties need to get down.

Begin­ning his career as an orig­i­nal Sheffield house young blood in the mid 1980’s Luke moved to Man­ches­ter and his part­ner­ship with fel­low Unabomber Justin Craw­ford saw the birth of Elec­tric Chair, a cor­ner­stone cult night in the UK under­ground club scene, Luke was one half of the pro­duc­tion team of The Unabombers, whose elec­tric souls edits gained a loy­al fol­low­ing. Luke and Justin cre­at­ed Elec­tric Ele­phant, a Croa­t­ian fes­ti­val pay­ing homage to their wild eclec­ti­cism from Balearic, to Brazil­ian to E soul, House, Dis­co and Tech­no. Luke’s much loved, long run­ning Homo­elec­tric night and more recent­ly Homobloc sell out fes­ti­val for 10,000 souls has been at the­fore­front of Manchester’s LGBTQ cul­tur­al land­scape. Lukes Fri­day new evening show on World­wideFm has cap­tured imag­i­na­tions and has already become a cult 4 hour must lis­ten to month­ly jour­ney with fans all over the world. Today Luke remains,as ever, at the fore­front of a chang­ing scene, pair­ing the momen­tous lega­cy of Manchester’s 80s and 90s scene with the deliv­ery of what today’s club com­mu­ni­ties need to get down. A Force to be reck­oned with in the per­pet­u­a­tion of UK club cul­ture and the own­er of a sin­gu­lar Insta­gram account.


6:00 PM
Doors open


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.