Sat 22 Jun

LOWMAR­GATE: The Tast­ing Rooms

Presented by LOWMAR­GATE

About this event

PLEASENOTE: The Tast­ing Rooms are not at Faith In Strangers — they are in cen­tral Mar­gate but we are part of LOWMAR­GATE! — The warm up par­ty with Zero 7 and the Main par­ty on the sat­ur­day are at Faith In Strangers!

LOWMAR­GATE is a wine and music week­ender set against the back­drop of incred­i­ble Mar­gate skies. On June 22nd the old town Mar­gate will play host to LOW Tast­ing Rooms which allow you to sam­ple over 100+ wines from both importers and wine­mak­ers from across Europe and Great Britain. Organ­ic, bio­dy­nam­ic and low-inter­ven­tion wine­mak­ers will be on hand to lead you through the wines that respect both the grape and the soils.

How­ev­er this is just the start – this a week­end for both oenophiles and audio­philes. Venues across the town will be pair­ing wines, some unique to Mar­gate, with music in all its forms. Mov­ing around over 20+ venues (see below for the pro­gramme and tim­ings as they are announced) you will get dis­count­ed rates on wines and get to lis­ten to a care­ful­ly curat­ed selec­tion of tunes from a var­ied selec­tion of artists and DJs.

Sat­ur­day evening will close with a tick­et only sum­mer sol­stice par­ty at Faith In Strangers – where we will take over the wine and cock­tail list – and a line-up that will take us late into the evening.

Sun­day will focus on pair­ing wine, music and food across the seafront in the Old Town of Mar­gate cul­mi­nat­ing in a clos­ing par­ty and pair­ing at Sar­gas­so on the har­bour arm. Join us for sun­set to see why JMW Turn­er said Mar­gate had the most beau­ti­ful skies in all of Europe’.


11:00 AM
Tasting 1
12:00 PM
Tasting 2
1:00 PM
Tasting 3
2:00 PM
Tasting 4
3:00 PM
Tasting 5


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.