Sun 25 Aug

Joy Orbi­son Day Party

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Joy Orbi­son is back at Faith In Strangers for a spe­cial bank hol­i­day day par­ty, sound­track­ing the Mar­gate sea view sun­set on their cus­tom built Posei­don sound system!

Tick­ets are live this Fri­day 14th June, at 10am — Sign up now at Dice for first tickets.

First com­ing to promi­nence in 2009, Lon­don musi­cian, DJ and pro­duc­er Joy Orbi­son is undoubt­ed­ly one of the most respect­ed and influ­en­tial elec­tron­ic artists of his gen­er­a­tion. Whether through his own game-chang­ing releas­es such as Ellip­sis”, GR Eti­quette”, Hyph Mngo”, Big Room Tech House DJ Tool-TIP!” or flight fm”, col­lab­o­ra­tions with the likes of Mansur Brown, Over­mono, cult UK skat abel Palace and cut­ting edge Japan­ese cloth­ing label Cav Empt, a run of genre-defin­ing releas­es on his Hinge Fin­ger label and XL Record­ings, a BBC Radio 1 res­i­den­cy, a month­ly Lon­don par­ty, Grand Theft Auto radio sta­tion or live appear­ances that span the most cred­i­ble under­ground nights to fes­ti­val head­line slots around the world, the name Joy Orbi­son has been a con­stant byword for under­stat­ed, uncom­pro­mis­ing quality.


3:00 PM
8:15 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.