Fri 08 Mar

IWD2024: Femme Faders

Presented by Faith in Strangers

About this event

This Inter­na­tion­al Wom­en’s Day, Faith in Strangers presents Femme Faders: An amaz­ing all-female & non-bina­ry DJ line­up bring­ing you grooves all night long.

Includ­ing sets from mega babes — Han­nah Crys­tal, Inky, Hol­low Gold, Michelle Lynn + Jak­ki Degg (Juss Jak)

All dona­tions and prof­its from the event will be going to Hous­ing For Women, who are a hous­ing provider and char­i­ty with a mis­sion to empow­er women and chal­lenge inequal­i­ty. They sup­port women through afford­able hous­ing- help­ing women and chil­dren escap­ing domes­tic abuse, sur­vivors of traf­fick­ing, women leav­ing prison and old­er women — all in need of hous­ing sup­port, in the UK.

Dona­tion entry/​pay what you can, on the door all night. Venue open from 6pm — queu­ing tunes from pow­er­house females all evening until DJ sets start at 8pm.

ALSOON: Lob­by exhi­bi­tion in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Pow­er of Women Art Trail 2024 on dis­play for the month of March — Text Me When You Get Home’ by the amaz­ing Thel­ma Speirs.‑u…


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8:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

Com­ing soon

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