Fri 04 Aug

Greg Wil­son

Presented by Sound­crash

About this event

A trail­blaz­er of the DJ scene and pio­neer of edits and elec­tro-funk since the 70s, Greg Wil­son is regard­ed as one of the most impor­tant fig­ures on the UK dance scene. Hav­ing had res­i­den­cies at extreme­ly influ­en­tial spaces in the 80s such as Wigan Pier and Man­ches­ters Leg­end’, he was picked up as the first dance spe­cial­ist’ by the esteemed Hacien­da Club. After unveil­ing his label Super Weird Sub­stance in 2014, Greg went on to play a num­ber of fes­ti­vals around the UK and beyond, often imple­ment­ing his trade­mark reel-to-reel tapes which add a unique­ness to his sets which is unri­valled. You can catch Greg at Faith in Strangers on Fri­day 4th of August


10:00 PM


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