Sat 16 Mar

Goldie Spe­cial Extend­ed Set

Presented by FIS X Some­thing Goes Right

About this event


The break­out super­star of drum’n’bass, Goldie is the gen­re’s most vis­i­ble fig­ure and one of its most revered artists. While many elec­tron­ic music pro­duc­ers dur­ing the 90s were con­tent with face­less­ly pump­ing out tracks designed for DJs and club play, Goldie stood out by being a true per­son­al­i­ty, com­bin­ing roots in hip-hop and graf­fi­ti cul­ture with jazz and soul influ­ences, as well as a sense of ambi­tion grand enough to rival most clas­si­cal composers.

Goldie joins us at Faith in Strangers for a night of DnB clas­sics this March. Not one to miss!

Lim­it­ed Ear­ly Bird tick­ets avail­able — via Dice & RA


9:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.