Sat 30 Nov

Gold Pan­da (Live)

Presented by Faith In Strangers Live Series

About this event

Faith in Strangers Live Series: Gold Pan­da (Live)

On 30th Novem­ber, join us at Faith In Strangers as we wel­come Gold Pan­da for a cap­ti­vat­ing live set. Cel­e­brat­ed for his immer­sive, rich­ly lay­ered sound­scapes, Gold Pan­da weaves influ­ences from his jour­neys through Japan and his roots in Essex, cre­at­ing a live expe­ri­ence that merges elec­tron­ic pre­ci­sion with deep emo­tion­al resonance.

Gold Panda’s career is marked by a unique approach to elec­tron­ic music, bring­ing a warmth and human­i­ty to his com­po­si­tions that’s rarely seen in the genre. From his break­through albumLucky Shin­er to his lat­est work, Good Luck And Do Your Best, his music draws on field record­ings, intri­cate beats, and a visu­al inspi­ra­tion that trans­ports lis­ten­ers. These per­for­mances aren’t just about the music; they reflect a per­son­al jour­ney, cre­at­ing a world of sound that feels famil­iar yet otherworldly.

This live set promis­es a fusion of past influ­ences and new per­spec­tives, an unmiss­able evening with one of elec­tron­ic music’s most com­pelling cre­ators. Come ready to be enveloped in sound as Gold Panda’s unique sto­ry­telling unfolds on our stage.


9:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.