Sat 10 Aug

Faith In Strangers X Adonis

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

This Mar­gate Pride we bring the Ado­nis crew down for a spe­cial col­lab par­ty with J.Aria, Marie Malar­ie and Ado­nis cre­ator Shay Malt. £1 of every tick­et will go to Mar­gate Pride. 

Kick­ing things off at 8pm — grab your tick­ets now because it’s the best week­end in Mar­gate and peo­ple ARESUPERORGAN­ISED for it!

Ado­nis is known as one of the best par­ties in Lon­don, so we’re chuffed they are mak­ing their way down to Faith In Strangers on the 10th of Aug.

J.ARIA (they/​them)

J. Aria is a mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist pro­duc­er and selec­tor — a res­i­dent at both Ado­nis and Dal­ston Super­store. Their acid-camp, fierce-groove dra­mat­ics have seen them make waves across the queer under­ground, with appear­ances at world­wide insti­tu­tions Car­ry Nation, Block9 and Body Move­ments. They have put out acclaimed tracks on Super Dra­ma Records and Queer House Par­ty, with Ado­nis Records + Ner­vous Records releas­es sched­uled for 2024. Their genre-defy­ing sound is drenched in soul pulling fierce­ness and romance from all cor­ners of dance into a sin­gu­lar and com­mand­ing voice.’

Marie Malar­ie (they/​them)

Marie Malar­ie is a Lon­don-based DJ spear­head­ing a new gen­er­a­tion for whom genre is as flu­id as gen­der. A res­i­dent of HOMOD­ROP and ADO­NIS, a reg­u­lar at CHAP­TER10 and founder of a dizzy­ing array of queer par­ties includ­ing HYS­TE­RIA, their sound encom­pass­es the vin­tage and the mod­ern, blend­ing ev

Shay Malt (he/​him)

Shay Malt is the founder and res­i­dent of the cult Lon­don rave, Ado­nis. His eclec­tic house-focused DJ sets have graced the dance floors of Glastonbury’s infa­mous NYC Down­low, Fab­ric, Pikes Ibiza and, in 2024, sees him make his Panora­ma Bar debut.’


6:00 PM
8:00 PM
2:30 AM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.