Sat 04 Feb

Faith In Res­i­dents: Ali Renault

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Start­ing tomor­row (Sat), we’re kick­ing off a short series of local res­i­dent DJ’s to turn up the heat after din­ner ser­vice! These events are FREE to attend and will start around at 9/​10pm.

Wine, dine, and boo­gie with us for an unfor­get­table evening — book­ings start from 6pm! Reserve here — https://​faithin​strangers​.co​.uk/​b​a​r​-​k​i​tchen

If your birth­day is in Feb — we’re per­fect for large group cel­e­bra­tions, you can book up to 16 upon request on our book­ing form, or send us a mes­sage — if you want more peo­ple then check out our birth­days page — https://​faithin​strangers​.co​.uk/​b​i​r​t​hdays

…Or if you’re just after a spon­ta­neous night out, walk in’s are most welcome.

We’re kick­ing the series off with Ali Renault.

Ali Renault is a local DJ / Pro­duc­er who makes hyp­not­ic synth dis­co jams. You might know him from his work as part of Heart­break (20052009), or from many a fine release on the sem­i­nal Dis­si­dent label, or maybe more under the radar releas­es on Cyber Dance, Human Shield, Mous­tache, Zone and more recent­ly on Roth­mans and his new imprint Vivod. An impres­sive under­stand­ing of the four cor­ners of the elec­tro galaxy in Detroit, Rim­i­ni, Den Haag and Lon­don has per­me­at­ed all Renault mate­r­i­al and is cer­tain­ly evi­dent in his productions.

Upcom­ing releases;

Stone tape EP released Jan­u­ary 5th on Noc­ta Numerica

* Piano For The Peo­ple EP released Jan­u­ary 26th on Is It Balearic?

Expect dubbed out Ita­lo clas­sics, boo­gie and cos­mic dis­co vibes


9:00 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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