Sat 26 Oct

Evil Plans vs Nein: Stash Mag­net­ic & Tron­ik Youth

In partnership with The Evil Plans

About this event

HAL­LOWEENSPE­CIAL!! Tron­ik Youth and Stash Mag­net­ic in Margate!

Evil Plans are back Sat­ur­day 26th of Octo­ber for there last par­ty of the year at the awe­some FAITHINSTRANGERS and have teamed up with Nein records to end the year in style.

Tronk Youth, cre­ator of Nein Records, the label is the lovechild of New beat, Ita­lo Dis­co and techno…dark ener­gy man­i­fests from every one of it’s almost 500 releases.

Stash Mag­net­ic a star­tling­ly unique two piece elec­tron­ic vision ris­ing from the tech­no heart­land of the USA. They con­jur Detroit tech­no, post punk, trib­al beats and pow­er­ful enchant­i­ng vocals into a goth­ic rit­u­al alche­my fea­tur­ing live ana­log performance.

Jah Shab­by on warm up duties to get the night start­ed off! along with the Evil Plans crew fresh back from there Ibiza gigs, this dynam­ic duo will have you danc­ing your socks off !!!

it’s Hal­loween so feel free to dress up how ever your mood takes you :)


6:00 PM
Venue Open
8:00 PM
Event Doors
9:37 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.