Fri 27 Sep

Ear­ly Doors Launch Par­ty: Mar­gate with Matias Aguayo, Aun­tie Flo & Andrew Thomson

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Andrew Thom­son of Hunt­leys + Palmers joins us for an evening by the sea­side to cel­e­brate the launch of forth­com­ing Ear­ly Doors compilation. 

The com­pi­la­tion doc­u­ments Andrew’s trav­els around the world and the music and peo­ple he has met along the way. It has also been an oppor­tu­ni­ty to reflect and recon­nect with like-mind­ed musi­cal friends. 

Matias Aguyao and Aun­tie Flo are two of those long time col­lab­o­ra­tors. Aun­tie & Andrew start­ed their High­life par­ty series and label in Glas­gow, so that they could play all the amaz­ing music Matias and his friends were mak­ing and releas­ing on the Cómeme label in Latin Amer­i­ca. After many par­ties, releas­es and awards lat­er, they reunite for a very spe­cial get togeth­er in Mar­gate. Get involved! 

Aun­tie Flo // 

Dur­ing a ten year plus career DJ-ing and pro­duc­ing under the alias Aun­tie Flo, Bri­an cement­ed his posi­tion as a cen­tral fig­ure in a new strand of club music fus­ing elec­tron­ic and world influ­ences’ (The Wire). Through his revered his High­life label, radio show and club night he con­tin­ues to take World Music into the future’ (The Guardian). He is the 2019 win­ner of the SAY Award for Scot­tish Album of The Year for Radio High­life’ (Brownswood 2018) and in 2020 was award­ed as Scot­tish Elec­tron­ic Musi­cian of the Year spon­sored by the Sub Club and Nord­off Rob­bins. The sold out Radio High­life tour cul­mi­nat­ed in a head­line set at Gilles Peterson’s inau­gur­al We Out Here Fes­ti­val with his Aun­tie Flo live band His influ­en­tial High­life par­ty cel­e­brat­ed its 10th anniver­sary in 2020, and is wide­ly recog­nised as intro­duc­ing a more diverse musi­cal palette to UK dance­floors and beyond, influ­enced by Brian’s own Kenyan and Goan roots. Invert­ed Audio stat­ed one of the most cul­tur­al­ly excit­ing devel­op­ments to hap­pen to club cul­ture in the UK… a pros­per­ous­ly based ground­work of music which will pave the way to come for artists in future years.’ 

Matias Aguayo // 

With a career span­ning near­ly 20 years, Aguayo has released music on labels such as Kom­pakt, Crammed Discs and Soul Jazz Records. He also found­ed influ­en­tial South Amer­i­can par­ty series Bum­Bum­Box in 2003.Founded in 2009 the inter­na­tion­al­ist label Cómeme has estab­lished itself as a mobile home, a dance music car­a­van joined and nur­tured by artists from BsAs, Joburg, Medel­lín, Bucharest, Méx­i­co, Köln and many more places on the plan­et. Under the direc­tion of Avril Cebal­los and Matias Aguayo it has fur­ther rad­i­calised its aim to become a place for diver­si­ty, irrev­er­ence, musi­cal insur­gency and freedom. — 

Andrew Thom­son // 

Chip­ping away at the coal­face of elec­tron­ic music for the past 15 years, Andrew has a com­mit­ment to adven­tur­ous and for­ward think­ing line ups which has intro­duced many excit­ing new faces to Glas­gow and the UK for the first time. He’s released music by now estab­lished artists along­side many oth­er nuggets. This has led him to DJ tours around the world and sub­se­quent­ly returned to start a radio sta­tion in Glas­gow which shines a spot­light on the thriving


8:00 PM


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