Fri 24 Nov

DMX Krew (Live), Night­wave (DJ) & Dwee­do (DJ)

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

🌊 DMX Krew in Margate! 

🌊Faith In Strangers presents: DMX Krew (Live), Night­wave & Dwee­do, A Musar Records label takeover — by the beach!

🎵 DMX Krew (Live Set)The UK’s own Ed DMX, the man behind the ground­break­ing labels Breakin’ Records and Fresh Up, is bring­ing his vin­tage mix of instru­men­tal elec­tro, syn­th­pop, and tech­no to the sea­side! Hav­ing debuted in 1995 and graced the cat­a­logues of leg­endary labels such as Aphex Twin’s Rephlex, DMX Krew is a force that has con­tin­u­al­ly reshaped elec­tron­ic music. From ambi­ent to acid, his sounds are ever-evolv­ing, with the most recent EP​“Seri­ous” dropped just last month. Don’t miss the chance to wit­ness this maestro’s live set — it’s a rare delight to have him down in Margate!

🌙 Night­wave (DJ)Glasgow’s Night­wave is more than just a DJ — she’s a pro­duc­er, vocal­ist, and club pro­mot­er with an impres­sive track record. Hav­ing released on labels such as Opti­mo Music and Hot­flush, and col­lab­o­rat­ed with the likes of Franz Fer­di­nand, her sets are noth­ing short of a musi­cal jour­ney. From Detroit tech­no to old rave nos­tal­gia, Night­wave guar­an­tees a set that will keep the dance floor in per­pet­u­al motion.

🌀 Dwee­do (DJ)Ams­ter­dam-based Dwee­do, the brain behind MUSAR Record­ings, is a con­nois­seur of ​“strange-ass tracks.” With a taste that sways between sin­is­ter elec­tro and shiny IDM, Dwee­do has cre­at­ed a unique plat­form that con­nects exper­i­men­tal and club music.


8:00 PM


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