Fri 05 Aug

An Evening w/​DJ Paulette & Hand­son Family

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

This is a real­ly spe­cial treat. DJ Paulette will take time out of her busy sched­ule of inter­na­tion­al clubs, fes­ti­vals and writ­ing her new book, to jump on the train down to sun­ny Mar­gate to treat us to a pump­ing set, right in the midst of soul­ful vibes that will be tak­ing over our sea side town on that weekend! 

DJ Paulette

For near­ly three decades, DJ Paulette has held res­i­den­cies at some of the most pres­ti­gious clubs and best par­ties in the world.
From the Hacien­da (Man­ches­ter), The Zap Club (Brighton), The Min­istry of Sound, Queen Club and Mix Club (Paris), Cocoon (Frank­furt), Ibiza Rocks at Pacha and at Pikes Hotel (Ibiza). Her selec­tions are on point, no mat­ter which genre or room she plays in and she shines – and head­lines – above her own star.
From radio to bar to club to fes­ti­vals, from back room to main room, from warm up to head­line, she is a cham­pi­on of great music – dig­ging deep in the crates for sets of uplift­ing par­ty hip hop, raw funk and rare grooves, soul­ful vocals and dia­man­té strewn dis­co, jack­ing / deep house and tear­ing tech­no.
As capa­ble of enter­tain­ing a club with an 8 hour odyssey or a 10 minute mini mix, Paulette knows instinc­tive­ly how to read then flip a room. She pays and plays it for­ward, inspir­ing a new gen­er­a­tion by chan­nelling her ener­gies into youth work, activism, men­tor­ing and radio / dj work­shops at con­fer­ences, Uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges around the coun­try.
In recent years, DJ Paulette has enjoyed a busy per­for­mance sched­ule includ­ing sets at Park­life, Blue­dot Fes­ti­val, Man­ches­ter Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val, Glit­ter­box, Print­works, The Nation­al The­atre, We Out Here Fes­ti­val, Homo­elec­tric, Albert Hall, HE. SHE. THEY. and Hid­den amongst oth­ers.
DJ Paulette cur­rent­ly holds a month­ly show on World­wide FM called Accal­ib­er­a­tion’, where she hon­ours her num­ber one pas­sion in music: the human voice, as well as month­ly show on the ARIAS win­ning, Reform Radio.
No mat­ter whether she enter­tains as a res­i­dent or guest, Paulette con­sis­tent­ly keeps her dance­floors at home and away as lit as possible.

Hand­son Family

South Lon­don stal­warts Hand­son Fam­i­ly, will be lend­ing us Cyn­di for the week­end as she makes her sec­ond trip to Mar­gate to take in the sights, the sounds and the seag­ulls. Cyn­di will be warm­ing up for DJ Paulette 


6:00 PM
4:50 PM


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