Sat 09 Dec

Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club

Presented by Faith in Strangers

About this event

There’s some­thing about north­ern soul that invokes both nos­tal­gia and a heady sense of dis­cov­ery. The impec­ca­ble fash­ion, the gold­en voic­es that seem to rever­ber­ate through the ages, the walls of sound gen­er­at­ed by true devo­tees of music are all symp­to­matic of a very spe­cif­ic era of music. But Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club are any­thing but stuck in time: the two mil­len­ni­als who run it see the cul­ture as a still-alive enti­ty – think of it as an alter­nate uni­verse where brass instru­ments and clam­our­ing soul voic­es are still the norm. Here, you will unearth gems that sound so fresh, so urgent, that you’ll won­der why we shift­ed to elec­tron­ic music in the first place.

Join us at Faith in Strangers for some addic­tive danc­ing and soul­ful tunes on the 9th of December.


10:00 PM


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Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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