Fri 22 Nov

David Rodi­gan

In partnership with Some­thing Goes Right

About this event

On Fri­day 22nd Novem­ber, we wel­come dub, reg­gae and bass leg­end David Rodi­gan to Faith In Strangers Margate.

For over 40 years David Rodi­gan has been the top dog in the gan­ja-scent­ed, bass heavy-atmos­phere of Britain’s reg­gae dance-halls. The key to his suc­cess has been an unsink­able pas­sion for reg­gae music, which first took a hold of him as a school­boy when he heard ska music in the ear­ly 60s. He devel­oped an obses­sion with the music of Jamaica that gen­er­at­ed an ency­clopaedic knowl­edge of the island’s every artist, every song and every rhythm track.


6:00 PM
Venue/Bar Open
9:00 PM
Event Doors / warm up
12:00 AM
David Rodigan


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