Sat 10 Feb

Move­ment: Daniel Avery

Presented by Move­ment

About this event

We are excit­ed to announce Daniel Avery as our next guest at Move­ment. Long-time friend, bound­ary-push­ing DJ and one of the country’s most inno­v­a­tive elec­tron­ic pro­duc­ers.

Avery’s sound is that of a burn­ing fire. It’s there in the dis­tor­tion that radi­ates bright and flick­ers across the tracks like flames, shoot­ing sparks in every direc­tion. It’s there as every celes­tial melody decays, ren­dered down to molten sound, leav­ing almost noth­ing under wave upon wave of white noise, black noise, red and amber noise. And it’s there in the heat cre­at­ed by the con­stant motion of rhythms wrenched out of over­heat­ed machines; skit­ter­ing drum tracks pro­grammed in rest­less sequences that become more hyp­not­ic as they unfold.

Since 2013’s Drone Log­ic, Avery has released four crit­i­cal­ly laud­ed solo albums and one col­lab­o­ra­tive LP — Illu­sion Of Time — with Alessan­dro Cor­ti­ni, Ital­ian com­pos­er and mem­ber of Nine Inch Nails, a band with whom Avery toured across Amer­i­ca in 2018.


9:00 PM


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