Fri 12 Jul

Blue Lab Beats, J‑Felix, Sam Red­more & Harley Harl

Presented by Sound­crash x Funk & Soul Weekender

About this event

Blue Lab Beats are a North Lon­don-based, jazz-hop, elec­tron­i­ca duo com­prised of pro­duc­er NK-OK (Namali Kwa­t­en) and mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist Mr DM (David Mrak­por). The pair are an inte­gral part of the city’s diverse mod­ern scene that inte­grates musi­cians from the worlds of jazz, hip-hop, R&B, and electronica.


Launch­ing his new EP series The Mint Exper­i­ment’on his own label, OVN Records, Pro­duc­er, musi­cian, DJ, engi­neer and song­writer; J‑Felixreturns with his Mod­ern Funk laden pro­duc­tions in a more low tem­po style with Hip-Hop/­Soul sen­si­bil­i­ty, tak­ing influ­ences from Jazz throughout. 

After meet­ing the label boss­es at Tru Thoughts through play­ing gui­tars for Alice Rus­sell, Bris­tol born, now Brighton based J‑Felix was quick­ly signed to the label and released his debut album 101 rea­sons receiv­ing high praise from tastemak­er, Julie Ade­nu­ga, NME, Huey Mor­gan and Don Letts on BBC6Music and FIP radio. The LP hous­es a col­lec­tion of vibrant instru­men­tal cuts inspired by 80’s funk, Boo­gie and RnB, inter­wo­ven with smooth vocals from him­self and a vari­ety of collaborators.


7:00 PM
7:30 AM
Harley Harl (DJ Set)
8:30 PM
9:30 PM
Blue Lab Beats
11:30 PM
12:30 AM
Sam Redmore


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