Sat 25 Nov

Astral Selec­tions: Falle Nioke, Bran­dan & Jeremy

Presented by Astral Selec­tions

About this event

This Sat­ur­day — an exper­i­men­tal Astral Selec­tions with a freestyle jam and live per­for­mance from Falle Nioke and selec­tors set with Bran­dan & Jere­my from Faith In Strangers (in house!!)

Free entry, open from 6pm, music will start lat­er and be on all night!

Falle Nioke is a singer and per­cus­sion­ist from Guinea, now based in Mar­gate, UK. He sings in Eng­lish, French, Susu, Fulani, Malinke and his moth­er tongue, Coni­agui. He plays a range of cul­tur­al African instru­ments to accom­pa­ny his voice (Gongo­ma, Bolon, Cassi).

Since arriv­ing in the UK two years ago he has been work­ing with a num­ber of pro­duc­ers, includ­ing Johan Hugo, Con­go Nat­ty, Sir Was and Ghost Cul­ture. He recent­ly released his col­lab­o­ra­tive EP with Lon­­don-based ethe­re­al dance pro­duc­er Ghost Culture. 

The lead track from Youk­ounk­oun (which is named after Nioke’s vil­lage, where the Coni­agui live) is a com­pli­men­ta­ry com­bi­na­tion of Nioke’s dynam­ic vocal melodies and Ghost Culture’s mas­ter­ful­ly smooth elec­tron­ics. Set­ting buoy­ant synth bass stabs against a tick­ing drum machine, Barké”s groove is addic­tive and irresistible.


8:00 PM


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