Fri 31 Jan

audi­ble cui­sine: All Night Long DJ Set (IVW 2025)

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

**Part of the Offi­cial Inde­pen­dent Venue Week 2025 programming**


ALLNIGHTLONG w/​Ash Work­man & Jack­son Berg

Fri­day the 31st of Jan­u­ary, we wel­come the return of Ash Work­man & Jack­son Berg, back to the decks for a late night IVW2025 special.

Ash Work­man, known for his work with Metron­o­my and Chris­tine & The Queens, is a lead­ing UK pro­duc­er and mix­er. Based out of his record­ing stu­dio in Mar­gate, Elec­tric Beach, Ash has also col­lab­o­rat­ed with Simi­an Mobile Dis­co, Dami­an Lazarus and more recent­ly Elkka.

Join­ing him for b2b tunes all night long is the gourmet chef by day, eclec­tic DJ by night, Jack­son Berg.

Ash and Jackson’s mix of house, tech­no and exper­i­men­tal beats takes you on a sweaty jour­ney from Detroit to Berlin. Expect a deep dive into the world of elec­tron­ic sub­cul­tures for a night of well mixed, fresh­ly served, deli­cious­ly curat­ed music to feed your soul.

Grab a bar­gain £5 tick­et — sup­port local, sup­port independent!


6:00 PM
Venue/Bar Open
9:00 PM
Event Doors
10:00 PM
Ash Workman b2b Jackson Berg
2:30 AM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.

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