Sat 03 Apr

Our Music Fundraiser

Presented by Our Music / Our Kitchen

About this event

Faith In Strangers is proud to pro­vide a plat­form to stream exclu­sive con­tent curat­ed by and for the Our Music’ fun­drasi­er for Our Kitchen.

This unique shindig, is a cura­tion of exclu­sive music and visu­als fea­tur­ing Mark Stew­art, Janine Rain­forth, Sad Man and Lio­tia, Uncle Fes­ti­val On Acid, Bom­bArt as well as an inter­view with Sharon Goody­er and Ben Mil­lar from Our Kitchen con­duct­ed by John Robb. All tick­et pro­ceeds go to sup­port Our Kitchen’s work in Thanet and cost a min­i­mum of £5 but we encour­age you to pay what you can afford via the dona­tions pay­ment. For more, vis­it Our Kitchen On The Isle Of Thanet

Our Kitchen helps peo­ple in Thanet who are strug­gling to get a healthy, nutri­tious diet. Over 27% of Thanet’s chil­dren live in pover­ty, yet food becomes an issue that is often over­looked. Peo­ple who vis­it get good qual­i­ty foods at about 40% of the nor­mal super­mar­ket cost, cus­tomers leave with a sense of dig­ni­ty as well as a full shop­ping bag. Our Kitchen also helps with this with Meal Kits and Recipe Cards via its shops in Mar­gate and Ramsgate.

Our Music”

Is a com­pi­la­tion album fea­tur­ing the likes of Andrew Weather­all, Lumpen Noble­man, Lee Scratch Per­ry, Mark Stew­art and Adri­an Sher­wood, which was released through Band­camp on Fri­day 4th Decem­ber. It costs £5 but you can pay more if you want, or buy it mul­ti­ple times as gifts for all your pals. The pro­ceeds will go to help sup­port Our Kitchen in its great work in the com­mu­ni­ty of Thanet.

Please sup­port this great cause, down­load it here

Mark Stew­art

I will be trans­mit­ting sci-fi lul­la­bies from the haunt­ed dance­hall — la Luta con­tin­ua” ‑THIS is my creed.”

Our Music image

Mark Stew­art is an artist, vocal­ist, pro­duc­er and song­writer from Bris­tol, Eng­land. As a found­ing mem­ber of The Pop Group and as a soloist, Stew­art has remained an anar­chic and pio­neer­ing fig­ure since the punk era, a con­stant source of dis­cor­dance amongst the fron­tiers of post-punk, dub, indus­tri­al and elec­tron­ic music. This is a selec­tion of exclu­sive record­ings tak­en from the cur­rent project with Patrick Dokter.


Janine Rain­forth

Janine Rain­forth, a founder mem­ber of the orig­i­nal post punk band, Max­i­mum Joy, and more recent­ly her own solo out­fit Rain­forth, and new band, MXMJoy. Tonight, she will pre­view a new, spe­cial piece for the night. We are very lucky.



SADMAN is Birm­ing­ham based elec­tron­ic music pro­duc­er and com­pos­er Andrew Spack­man. In the past 4 years SADMAN has released 15 albums and over 160 tracks. Tonight he pro­vides us with a spe­cial AV mix.



Our Music image

Lio­tia are an elec­tro acoustic duo who com­bine the song­writ­ing and haunt­ing vocals of Abi­gail Hub­bard with the beats and sound­scapes of producer/​engineer Matthew Smyth. The duo released their debut EP So Close / Yours Tonight and Black­out in 2019, which fea­tured a remix by local super­star, Ash­ley Bee­dle. Lio­tia will be per­form­ing an exclu­sive set record­ed live at Faith In Strangers.


Uncle Fes­ter On Acid Vs. Our Music

Uncle Fes­ter is a fre­quen­cy abuser from Hol­land who has kind­ly made a spe­cial mix of the Our Music” down­load. Expect angel­ic tops and demon­ic bass lines. This is a very spe­cial treat for us.



After the event, Bom­bArt, which is one of the many projects of artist, Peter Har­ris will release a spe­cial remix of the Our Music album. Peter works with Lee Scratch Per­ry, Mark Stew­art, and Meat Raffle’s War­ren Mans­field to help share his own vision of things with the world.


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6:00 PM
Broadcast Starts
10:00 PM
Broadcast Ends


Broad­cast link will be sent via email or through eventbrite page.



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