Sat 16 Sep

Down By The Sea After Par­ty: Andy Smith (Por­tishead)

Presented by Sound­crash

About this event

Andy Smith was the first DJ to release a mul­ti-genre mix album on a major label. His sem­i­nal mix-CD The Doc­u­ment hit the streets back in 1998 and became the sound­track for a gen­er­a­tion who’d heard Cold­cut’s Jour­neys By DJs but need­ed to hear more – The Doc­u­ment filled the void.

This appre­ci­a­tion of dif­fer­ent gen­res made Smith the ide­al per­son to pro­vide sam­ples for Portishead’s first two albums. He went on to make his name as their inter­na­tion­al tour DJ – reflect­ing their respect for both dig­ging and hip-hop scratch DJ-ing. Hip-hop ele­ments formed the basis of Portishead’s unique sound.


10:00 PM


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