Sun 27 Aug

Alex­is Tay­lor (Hot Chip)

Presented by Faith In Strangers

About this event

Join us at Faith In Strangers on August 27th, a bank hol­i­day Sun­day spe­cial, as we wel­come back Alex­is Tay­lor to Margate. 

Alex­is, the mas­ter­mind behind icon­ic UK band Hot Chip, is jour­ney­ing down to Mar­gate for a spe­cial bank hol­i­day par­ty. Sign up now for ear­ly access to tickets!

Alex­is, the archi­tect of endur­ing indie anthems like Over & Over’ and Ready For The Floor’, will be bring­ing a broad spec­trum of his unique music fla­vor. As a solo artist, he’s pro­duced sev­er­al out­stand­ing albums, and his set will no doubt reflect his diverse tal­ents. Expect an eclec­tic mix of par­ty tunes, indie dis­co favorites, and of course, some of the best from Hot Chip’s repertoire.

There’s an intrigu­ing para­dox to Hot Chip, a cap­ti­vat­ing dichoto­my between their vision and real­i­ty. Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from the Hip-Hop ideals show­cased by MTV Cribs, they’ve man­aged to mold it into their unique con­text in Wandsworth, SE Lon­don. Instead of lim­it­ing them­selves to a sin­gu­lar iden­ti­ty, Hot Chip embraces a mul­ti­tude of influ­ences — from Bill Calla­han to Crys­tal Gayle — seam­less­ly merg­ing them to cre­ate a sound that’s unmis­tak­ably their own.

Through their dis­tinct aes­thet­ic approach, Hot Chip ref­er­ences their admired artists in a unique­ly com­pact man­ner. An array of influ­ences — from Ste­vie Won­der to Will Old­ham — can be found del­i­cate­ly woven into a sin­gle song, instead of dom­i­nat­ing an entire album. Their music strad­dles a dynam­ic line between the pol­ished pro­duc­tion val­ues of main­stream pop and a unique­ly Eng­lish incli­na­tion for authen­tic sto­ry­telling. Amidst this pletho­ra of ideas, Hot Chip nev­er los­es its touch of humor, deliv­er­ing their wit with a dash of deadpan.

Par­ty with us on August 27th to expe­ri­ence the charm and charis­ma of Alex­is, and bask in the eclec­tic sound­scapes of Hot Chip, a band that is a tes­ta­ment to the har­mo­ny of jux­ta­po­si­tion. Expe­ri­ence first­hand their intox­i­cat­ing mix of hon­est lyri­cism, engag­ing humor, and cap­ti­vat­ing beats that span across a diverse range of influ­ences. With Alex­is musi­cal prowess at the helm, this night promis­es to be a grand cel­e­bra­tion of music, cama­raderie, and unfor­get­table moments.


9:00 PM


Sign up to our newslet­ter for first access to tick­ets, spe­cial deals and gen­er­al news.

Keep an eye out for our loy­al­ty mem­ber­ship in the near future.