We’re look­ing for Chefs or Kitchen Partners.

Bring your food to a world class venue, by the sea…


We’ve built the venue, attract­ed the audi­ence and laid the foun­da­tions of an icon­ic destination. 

Now we are look­ing for our head chef or kitchen part­ners to add a unique food offer­ing, deliv­er­ing the miss­ing ingre­di­ent the venue deserves. We’re open to ideas and experiments :)

We have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate some­thing spe­cial and inno­vate togeth­er.

Locat­ed in Mar­gate, famed for its coastal lifestyle and breath­tak­ing sun­sets, Faith In Strangers offers you the chance to make waves ;) with­in the indus­try in a unique and mod­ern building.

Faith in Strangers press 003
FIS Terrace
Bar in the sun
Ally Ross 734
MK4 0236
MK4 0373
Ally Ross 680
MK4 0354


Faith In Strangers is a mod­ernist build­ing that was built to show­case the awe inspir­ing sun­sets of Mar­gate through win­dows span­ning 12 meters and a gar­den ter­race lead­ing onto an annexed din­ing area with large com­mu­nal tables (18& 8pax).

Jour­ney­ing through our hid­den entrance, walk­ing up to the first floor, you’re met with an open plan loft styled interior.

We are a seav­iew restau­rant, bar, mod­ern dis­coteque and a cowork­ing space dur­ing the week­days. The plan is to host events and par­ties after restau­rant service

Led by an ethos of build­ing com­mu­ni­ty through com­bin­ing the cul­tures of music, food, wine, drinks and the arts. 

We have a cus­tom built audio­phile sound sys­tem, bespoke inter­ac­tive art instal­la­tions that light up across the space along with video broad­cast facil­ties that will enable a live stu­dio behind the scenes’ oper­a­tion and feel to the venue.


Our kitchen, venue, loca­tion and grow­ing audi­ence lends itself to var­i­ous dif­fer­ent styles of ser­vice. From casu­al shar­ing plates, tast­ing menus, ban­quets and shar­ing feasts, Faith In Strangers can do it all. The space is one of the few venues in Mar­gate suit­able for large scale pri­vate events, such as wed­dings, Christ­mas par­ties and cor­po­rate events. We can start small and when we’re ready grow big!

It’s open for dis­cus­sion on how you and us think it will work best :)

An evening dinner service from 6pm until 10pm, every day of the week is possible.

Brunch parties on Saturday and Sunday days 11-4 (approx), which include music and entertainment, which create more of a family friendly party atmosphere, with casual dining.

During our busier events, which could be 200pax +, a simple street food style, high volume food offering could offer a simple and profitable service.

Private hires provide an opportunity to sell set menus and reduce waste.

As a day time workspace we are an important part of the local freelance and SME community, we could offer business lunches on a Friday (for example), that offer a much more enjoyable networking opportunity for people and draw in a new audience.

Could be a growth stategy to work into workspace community lunches. We also have a lobby space that could be used during the week for pick up or take away.

We also have an opportunity to build a small bar in the lobby enrtrance which could serve take out during the week or even late night refreshment.


  • Location: Margate

  • Late License: 3am.

  • Standing Capacity: 350

  • Seated Capacity: Up to 140

  • Brand new high spec kitchen

  • Air Conditioning

  • Video Broadcast Venue

  • Garden Terrace

  • Audiophile Sound System


Our Kitchen

  • Electrolux SkyLine PremiumS Oven
  • Electrolux induction hob
  • Heated Pantry
  • Counter fridge x 2
  • Walk in fridge (12k litres)
  • Speedracks
  • Dishwasher
  • Prep kitchen gear
  • 3phase power sockets


Mar­gate is a mag­i­cal place, with a rich his­to­ry that gives it a pride of place as one of Britain’s favourite sea-side towns. Mar­gate’s sun­sets that inspired Turn­er, tidal bathing pools that date back to the Vic­to­ri­an era and juras­sic coastal walks are just some of the rea­sons to make the move, if you don’t live here already.

Mar­gate is a diverse town, with a large cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty and ben­e­fits from year round tourism that peaks through­out the sum­mer. With the arrival of eater­ies like Ange­las, Bot­te­ga Caru­so, Bar­let­ta and Sar­gas­so (Lon­don’s Brawn), the appetite for excit­ing food options is ever growing.

MK4 0381
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