Join Our All-Star Bar Team!

Pour Deci­sions Wel­come: Join Our Crew ;) — if you are inter­st­ed email or mes­sage us on instagram.

Faith In Strangers is a 300-capac­i­ty cul­tur­al venue renowned for its diverse club nights, and we’re excit­ed to announce that we’re grow­ing! With the addi­tion of a live music pro­gramme, day par­ties, and a brand new restau­rant set to launch in ear­ly 2025, we’re on the look­out for pas­sion­ate, tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als to join our all-star bar team.

We’ll be intro­duc­ing a new cock­tail ser­vice with a con­stant­ly evolv­ing bespoke menu, div­ing deep into wines, and fre­quent­ly rotat­ing our tap­room selections.

Under the expert guid­ance of Ryan, our new bar man­ag­er, you’ll receive top-tier train­ing designed to ele­vate your skills and knowl­edge to the next lev­el. We’re also mov­ing towards a ser­vice charge sys­tem, which will increase fur­ther when the restau­rant launch­es for more earnings. 

If you have a pas­sion for hos­pi­tal­i­ty and a love for music and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties, we want to hear from you!

MK4 0381
MK4 0236
MK4 0354
MK4 0373
DSC09052 2
FIS Terrace
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Jordon s shots 010 copy
West Side
Sunset Cocktails
Lavander Sours
Faith in Strangers press 003
Smoked Rosemary Espresso Martini
Stairway Of Faith
Margate Cocktail Bar

We have so many things we are look­ing to accom­plish and we want the team to be part of the jour­ney. We can explain when we talk.

An opti­mistic atti­tude and a pas­sion for the vision of our project is a must! If this sounds like some­thing you want to get your teeth into, then get in contact. 

We’ve had amaz­ing DJ’s, artists and bands play, here’s to many more!

Horse Meat Dis­co, Luke Una, Mr Scruff, Coco Maria, Greg Wil­son, Char­lie Bones, Mafal­a­da, George Fitzger­ald, Crazy P, Rosy Ross Homo­elec­tric, DJ Paulette, Mario Rui Sil­va (Live), Low Life/​Bill Brew­ster, Joe God­dard Hot Chip, Colleen Cos­mo’ Mur­phy, Alex­is Hot Chip, Jaye Ward, Dis­co Blood­bath, Raw Silk, Ash­ley Bee­dle, Fat Tony, Dept­ford North­ern Soul Club, KRS-One, LTJ Bukem, Yidah, Mad Pro­fes­sor, Tro­jan Sound Sys­tem, 808 state, Zed Bias, Graeme Park, Don­ae’o, Toby Tobias, Il Bosco, Ali Renault, Dusky, Tiger Balm, Erol Alkan, Ivan Smagge, Joy Orbi­son, Nor­ris Da Boss Win­dross, Matt Jam Lemont, The Secret DJ, Nor­man Jay, Don Letts, Skyrager, Good Block, Zakia, Daniel Avery, Ray Kei­th, Katie Bar­ber, Nadia Simone, Jaw G, PBR Street­gang, Yuri Suzu­ki, Eat Ethio, Paul Mudd, Sounds Of The Uni­verse, Alice Palace, JKriv, Rahaan, Tom Furse, Mil­lie, Noble and Heath, Eddie Pil­lar, Elk­ka, Goldie, DMX Krew, Night­wave, Dres­den, Ter­ry Far­ley, Falle Nioke, A.L.F.O.S, A Guy Called Ger­ald, Romare, Stan­ton War­riors, Tia Cousins, Steam­down, Blue Lab Beats


Our restau­rant will be a high-end com­mu­nal din­ing expe­ri­ence, often with par­ties attached to them sur­round­ing music and wine cul­ture, often larg­er group cel­e­bra­tions and the best week­end hang-out!

Get in touch if you want to be part of the team.